In an ideal world, you hire someone because her skills match the demands of the job, she’s a good fit with the existing staff, and you like her personality.
However, perfect opportunities aren’t standard in the real world. As a business owner, if you have the choice of hiring someone you like only a little, but is likely to do a great job, or someone you like a lot and is only moderately qualified, which would you hire? No doubt, if you’re a successful business owner, you hire the person who is likely to do a great job.
One of the biggest hiring mistakes is hiring based on preliminary impressions, which can be illusionary. Gut instinct can help you in your decision-making, but it’s not always reliable.
The following five vital questions about new hires are answered through my unconventional security investigations:
- Does she possess any red-flag personality traits?
- Is his motivation geared toward success (e.g., is he money motivated if the job is commission sales)?
- Does the compatibility between you and your potential hire include treacherous energy that makes it impossible for you to see his true nature?
- Is the compatibility with your potential new hire excellent, good, fair, or poor?
- Is his collective personal timing geared toward success, related to the job?
Although it’s impossible to eliminate 100% of all hiring mistakes, you can greatly limit your risk by using several forms of evaluation, including my unconventional security investigations.
Copyright © 2021 Scott Petullo