Find out if you have decent (i.e., at least as good as you’ve had in the past) romantic timing coming up. You’ll learn if your collective love life timing over the next 30 years is suitable for a satisfying romantic relationship and the approximate years (e.g., “. . .age 47-50, then age 55-61, then age 73-75. . .”) you’ll most likely connect romantically within that 30 year period, if that is part of your personal fate. If your future, long-term, collective love life timing isn’t conducive to romance and a satisfying love life, there will still likely be pockets of time (individual years) that are good enough for at least a decent short-term connection (or longer with an adequate match if you take a friendship or business-like approach with a partner—meaning more companionship-oriented than romantic love), and I can relay those years to you. Aside from the periods of time, I offer additional insight such as “this particular period is one of the best in your life,” or “this period is good, but fleeting,” or “this one is decent, but you will have better,” and so on. Approximately 1/2 page of content is e-mailed to you. This analysis is based on comprehensive astrology and numerology. $499
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