
Opportunity Analysis Overview

Opportunity Analysis Overview

Price: $


Realize the potential for success of any specific idea, opportunity, or first meeting based on the moment of its inception, in conjunction with your personal timing and natal patterns.

Ancient adepts believed the end result could be discerned based on the moment of inception. My findings since 1992 support this notion; just as humans have astrological and numerological birth patterns, so do ideas, opportunities, and first meetings.

For this offering, you need to relay to me the time, date, and location you first thought of the idea, were presented with an opportunity, or met the person for the first time. For example, at approximately 12:10 p.m. last Tuesday, at your office, you first had the idea of a new business venture. 

This analysis categorizes the opportunity as Strong, Acceptable, Borderline, or Unsuitable, with a sentence or two of feedback. Results are e-mailed to you. This evaluation is based on comprehensive astrology and numerology. 1 for $299, 2 for $499, 3 for $699, 4 for $899, 5 for $1099, 10 for $1999

Standard service returns results usually within seven business days. 48-hour rush service (when available), add 70%.

Clients offering equity in their endeavors (vs. piece rate for individual service offerings) in exchange for Scott’s services receive priority.