

Please note that standard service returns results usually within seven business days. 48-hour rush service (when available), add 70%.

Custom profiles and analyses available.

Clients offering equity in their endeavors (vs. piece rate for individual service offerings) in exchange for Scott’s services receive priority.

Realize the level of compatibility between you and others and, or choose the best candidates from a group of individuals. 1 for $299, 2 for $499, 3 for $699, 4 for $899, 5 for $1099, 10 for $1999
Price: $


Find out if you have decent romantic timing coming up. You’ll learn if your collective love life timing over the next 30 years is suitable for a satisfying romantic relationship and the approximate years you’ll most likely connect romantically.
Price: $


Discover penetrating insight about an individual’s current and future prospective life circumstances. This assessment reveals multiple, potential, prominent themes and circumstances over the next ten years.
Price: $


Realize the potential for success of any specific idea, opportunity, or first meeting, based on the moment of its inception, in conjunction with your personal timing and natal patterns. 1 for $299, 2 for $499, 3 for $699, 4 for $899, 5 for $1099, 10 for $1999
Price: $