
Comprehensive Charting Systems

My Approach and Findings

My long-term, objective study and application of complex systems of checks and balances involving a great many cyclical timing methods, including those of comprehensive predictive numerology and astrology (other than simple modern numerological cycles and modern astrological non-continuous cycles such as transits and progressions), regularly and constantly have displayed to me that personal fate is measurable.

My long-term, empirical research tells me that free will exists, but total free will is only available to you in spirit form before incarnating. Why? So you can’t escape confronting the issues you’re meant to work through, and therefore grow and progress.

However trendy it is these days to reject the idea of predestination (i.e., things that are unavoidable, such as other people’s actions), my research shows that fated personal circumstances (rewarding and challenging) are part of everyone’s life. Since 1992 I’ve scrutinized the comprehensive astrology and numerology charts and observed the representative circumstances (past and present) of thousands of people. Furthermore, whether a person believes in karma and fate or not, they are still bound by it, as I constantly witness.

Some might call me a “fatalist” and incorrectly label my position as overly cynical and void of “promise,” but please understand that I am simply relaying the results of my findings. If the idea of predestination discourages you in any way, know that you have the ability to “get what you want” on an ego-self (personality) level at least some of the time, as long as the desired result doesn’t conflict with your earthly path.

Additional Considerations

Since the late 1980s, I’ve reviewed and studied the methods, techniques, and material of many numerologists, astrologers, graphologists, psychics, mediums, and others. I’ve encountered many very talented, well-meaning professionals, and I’ve also come across those that you are best avoiding.

It’s important to understand that the sciences of numerology, astrology, and related areas are rooted in ancient tradition that has nothing to do with entertainment and shallow methodologies.

At the same time, I fully acknowledge that there are many talented professional astrologers, numerologists, and other readers who, due to powerful psychic ability, excel at employing only a limited number of aspects and charting methods to achieve constant high accuracy levels. However, my experience tells me these types of professionals are very rare.

I’ve also encountered exceptional mediums and psychics who offer very high accuracy levels and who operate on their connection to the divine alone, without any birth data, charts, or related information. But these are especially rare.

Some might be able to conduct their work with a reasonable level of accuracy using, for example, only psychologically based, modern Western astrology or simply modern Western numerology, but ultimately consistent, long-term precision requires strong psychic ability and, or comprehensive charting methods employing extensive ancient and modern methods.

I recognize that surface-oriented computer-generated astrology and numerology reports, introductory astrology and numerology books, cursory numerology and astrology do-it-yourself books and kits, on-line, newspaper, and magazine astrology “horoscopes” and numerology columns, and related items serve as acceptable introductions to the occult sciences.