It’s a fact of life that you’ll sometimes encounter adversaries, particularly in relation to your business or livelihood.
Sometimes the enemies are obvious and you can easily avoid problems, but other times not.
Knowing what sort of potential enemy a person may be to you personally can save you a lot of hassle.
Below I list three main types of enemies, based on my work with pattern recognition involving comprehensive astrology, numerology, and handwriting analysis.
- Mostly harmless enemies that simply naturally oppose you are very common. By naturally, I’m referring to a person’s birth and life-long collective timing patterns that conflict with yours, those beyond the typical “12th house” (house of hidden enemies in the basic astrological chart) symbolism. They often don’t intentionally try to hurt you, but their routine, everyday behavior, while it may not be outwardly aggressive or rude, tends to directly oppose your interests. Ultimately, things don’t go nearly as well as you would like partnering with such a person.
- Enemies based on personal timing patterns are also common, though typically less troublesome than the type listed directly above. The person’s personal timing (everyone’s timing is different) contrasts with yours, sometimes for a year or less, but sometimes for many years. The timing enmity may be absent early on in your connection with him, but it appears later in the relationship, or the other way around. The tricky thing about these types of connections is that the individual may appear to be “like a totally different person” under the problematic timing. Early on in your connection, things were great, but then changes in collective personal timing, sometimes for both people, symbolically wreck the bond.
- Dangerous enemies possessing red-flag personality traits are frequently not seen as such until it’s too late, particularly if the person is cunningly smart.
Traditional security investigations, such as private detectives, uncover hidden enemies if the investigator is thorough.
To help you navigate your life as effectively as possible, and for more difficult to uncover enemies, non-traditional security investigative methods, such as the ones I employ, are useful. Complex astrology and numerology patterns illustrate innate adversarial energy, and the opposite, friendship and ally connections. Handwriting analysis is one of the most objective and least discriminatory forms of character analysis and extremely effective in identifying threats to your security, including serious red-flag traits such as aggressiveness, defiance, narcissism, deceit, and many others.
It’s a tremendous advantage to be informed about others who may not be aligned with your best interests. Either by traditional means or non-traditional means (or both), it’s well worth the expense to avoid the potentially significant risks.
Copyright © 2019 Scott Petullo