Astrology and numerology indicators form patterns, just as letters form words that give meaning through sentences and paragraphs.
The full date of birth alone, although using all birth data (time, location, and full legal birth name) is optimum, allows me to form a basic outline of the subject, sketching in my mind’s eye key life issues, peak points, and transitions.
Communicating face to face with another person allows for intuitive, unspoken communication, including subconscious, non-verbal cues, though it takes years to become proficient with a language to get to that point.
Reading astrology and numerology patterns, the languages of personal fate, is a similar process; through repetition, it becomes intuitively driven instead of only analytically based.
Below I list ten initial topics of interest I ascertain upon first scanning the basic astrology and numerology patterned framework of any given person.
- Where has the subject been—early-life collective timing patterns tell me what she has learned to deal with before maturity.
- Where is the subject now–overall, is it an easier or more challenging phase of life vs. early-life (considering he is beyond early-life).
- Where is the subject going. How is mid-life compared to late-life. Sometimes later life includes most of the subject’s key rewards in life, sometimes early-life does, and sometimes it’s a mixed bag.
- Do the patterns support a continuation of life’s trials she is enduring. Or, do the patterns support the opposite, a continuation of the good times. Overall, is the person in a rough phase of timing, or is it now better than it was several years ago, for instance. Everyone has different timing. Examining a person’s progress over a period of time allows me to get an idea if she is advancing or in decline, for example.
- Is love life easy, challenging, or somewhere in the middle. Are present romantic conditions, either challenging or rewarding, sustainable.
- Is the person in a rewarding relationship, considering I have the birth data of her partner and can compare the patterns.
- Are finances abundant, scarce, or average, relative to the subject’s upbringing and environment. Are present financial conditions sustainable. Like many areas of life, the full birth data is necessary for me to get a solid read on this topic.
- What motivates her. Along with astrology and numerology–handwriting analysis, and having at least a half page of her handwriting–tells me a tremendous amount about her true motivations.
- What does he struggle with, such as potential addictions, emotional instability, integrity issues, introversion, insecurity, hypersensitivity, deceitfulness, or any other problem areas. Again, as with many other areas of focus, handwriting analysis–having at least a half page of his handwriting–gives me much more information about his subconscious fears and defenses.
- Is she a security risk. Astrology and numerology, combined with handwriting analysis, tell me a great deal about her potential as a security risk.
In my experience, initial impressions matter, particularly those gleaned from the astrology and numerology patterns.
Copyright © 2019 Scott Petullo