“Could you please explain what do you look for in a chart for foreign/overseas settlement. I have several options. Does 12th house have to be connected to 3rd or 9th and 6th or 10th?”
The first step in relocation (considering you have a choice) is to select a location you believe you will like. Analyze all the data, weigh the pluses and minuses, make your selection, then analyze the locational astrology and numerology charts.
I also recommend you consider that relocation doesn’t change anything in regards to your overall personal fate. My findings show your natal considerations and personal timing overrule all locational analyses. Mistaking locational analyses highlights with personal timing and natal pattern features is a common mistake.
Concerning the basic natal chart’s houses being in harmony with the relocational chart’s houses, I recommend a different approach, including the following and more: watch for malefics such as Saturn, Mars, and Moon’s South Node on the angles (1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th house cusps), which can be a bad omen. Also consider very early or late degrees (less than 3 degrees or more than 27 degrees) Ascendant, along with the health of the most potent heavenly body in your natal patterns, in the patterns of the new location. This is a decent starting point, but there’s a lot more to it; I recommend learning the ancient methodologies (up to about 1700 AD) if you want to learn how to effectively delineate and predict (or hire a professional to do it for you).
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