“How do I analyze foreign language names, that is, in non-abc alphabets. Do we transliterate the name into English for a standard abc analysis, or do we analyze the name in its original language, by allocating the appropriate numbers to the letters sequentially? There are arguments for both methods, but I have had very good results using the transliteration method, while the other method did not give me anything meaningful. I’d be curious to hear your take on and experience with this question.”
“Do the numerological values of letters represent their underlying sounds or their place in the sequence of the alphabet? Every single human language is a collection of sounds (energy frequencies that can be depicted on a chart), and these sounds are represented in the various alphabets by different symbols–the letters. So if the letters have numerical values, it is essentially the sounds (= frequencies) that have these values, and these values should be the same no matter with which symbols they are represented, and a transliteration is exactly this: representing the sounds of one language with letters/symbols of a different language. Thus, is a transliteration really an ‘other’ name?”
“However, this would raise the question of comparing if the various representations of the same sound have the same value in different alphabets. But on the other hand, what is the ‘logic’ in the sequence of letters in any specific alphabet, especially since different languages can have different placements for the same letter?”
My findings show that it’s important to analyze the birth name, the exact name on the legal birth certificate, in its original language, the language/alphabet used in naming the person. That means you must allocate the appropriate numbers to the letters sequentially.
Other methods, and using a name other than the one on the legal birth certificate, yield persona analyses, which can be useful in some ways.
You say above, “…it is essentially the sounds (= frequencies) that have these values, and these values should be the same no matter with which symbols they are represented,” but phonetic numerology is a separate, supplemental form of analysis, one that is important, but does not take the place of what I describe above. It’s reasonable to say that transliteration is another name, through phonetic numerology.
The numerological values of letters/symbols represent their place in the sequence of the respective alphabet. The logic in respecting the numbered sequence of letters in any given alphabet is supported through long-term empirical research. Different placements for the same letter in various alphabets are irrelevant. I recommend avoiding superimposing a foreign alphabet/language on someone’s name through numerology. The English language/alphabet is suitable in numerology calculations only for those who were named in it.
A Russian, for example, using his persona English version name will get only a persona read by using that persona name with numerology based on the English language.
An aside, changing your name only changes your persona, it won’t change your life.
Although I find name-based numerology useful by itself, ultimately, my findings show birth date and exact time-based numerology and astrology (combined with name-based numerology) to be most accurate in character analysis and prediction.
Copyright © 2018 Scott Petullo