The power of choice is sometimes yours, and sometimes not. The erroneous belief that you’re in absolute conscious control of your fate is as outlandish as believing you will live forever.
I’m all for inspiration—I generate inspiration every day—but put aside the rhetoric spewed by motivational speakers for a moment and consider that there are two key forces that rule your life: the power of your subconscious mind, and your personal fate—the things in your life you can’t change.
Making the right decisions in life won’t give you everything you’ve ever dreamed of, unless it’s part of your fate, because that isn’t the way things go in the real world.
You don’t need me to prove my assertions about predestination to know that there are times in your life that your faith is unexpectedly tested, you can’t control what other people do or say, and rejection and other unavoidable happenings are completely beyond your control.
A fascinating study in Psychological Science suggests “..the conscious experience of choice may be constructed after we act — even when it feels like it is the cause of our behavior.” In other words, your subconscious mind may have a lot more influence on your decision-making that you may realize.
Your subconscious fears and defenses may not be a problem for you at all. Unfortunately, until you know someone well—whether in business or your personal life—his hidden red flag personality traits could pose a serious threat. Wise decision-making includes thoroughly vetting those you allow into your life and I recommend multiple forms of scrutiny, including my unorthodox security investigations.
Copyright © 2016 Scott Petullo