
Fate vs. Free Will: Total Control of Your Fate is a Myth

Do you believe that you are the “master of (your) destiny,” that all circumstances in your life are within your control?

Napoleon Bonaparte, early 19th century French military commander, said, “Circumstances – what are circumstances? I make circumstances.”

Napoleon’s accomplishments are legendary. He’s one of the most successful Western military leaders of all time.

However, nobody is invincible. You have to wonder what was going through Napoleon’s mind at Waterloo, his final defeat. Do you think he was content with the circumstances he made in that battle?

What about his personal demise, after a relatively brief military and political reign? He spent the last six years or so of his life in a British prison, and perished at age 51.

Success is largely about setting realistic goals, along with persistence and discipline to make those goals a reality.

Sometimes, you have little to no interference and success is attainable. Other times, no matter how hard you work, external variables beyond your control prohibit accomplishment. As the saying goes, the journey is more important than the destination. It’s what you learn along the way.

I believe that you have complete free will on the other side, prior to incarnating in bodily form. I also believe you (your personality) must endure limits to your free will as a human being because if you did have absolute free will, you would never learn the lessons you’re here to learn.

Acknowledging the legitimacy of predestination, including unalterable personal adversity, engenders humility and a realistic outlook on life. It isn’t an excuse to avoid assertively taking action every day to fulfill your dreams, nor is it an excuse to possess a victim consciousness.

More on fate vs. free will and the secret reason behind success and failure.

Copyright © 2013 Scott Petullo

3 Responses

  1. Dear Scott,
    You’re right.
    The over-lap of seeming impersonal Karma into the realm of the “personal,” does tend to keep one humble. Stuff (Life) happens to all of us. None are exempt.

    Love and Light,

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