
Solar Eclipse March 8 2016

A solar eclipse occurs March 8, 2016. It’s exact by degree at 5:54 p.m. PDT, 18 degrees 55 minutes Pisces.

Overall, the symbolism of eclipses isn’t fortunate, but solar eclipses are usually less problematic than lunar eclipses.

It’s an oversimplification, but it’s reasonable to view lunar eclipses as symbolic death and solar eclipses as rebirth. Lunar eclipse equates to endings, and solar to beginnings.

Approximately three weeks before and several days after an eclipse, perception tends to be distorted; certain things appear to be fine when they aren’t, and other things seem amiss but are actually better than they appear. Temporary panic in the financial markets is a typical theme (to a greater extent during lunar eclipses).

Be extra cautious with all legal contracts, major purchases, new associations and relationships of all kinds, and other important matters during eclipses because things just aren’t as they seem.

Please note, astrology symbolizes circumstances, it doesn’t influence you or make things happen. I can’t tell you why discernment tends to be distorted during eclipses, it just is. I merely report the findings of my long-term empirical research, outline personality and personal timing, and interpret personal fate.

The bar graph in this blog post includes the March 8, 2016 solar eclipse, along with other basic astrology events.

Read more about eclipses here.

Copyright © 2016 Scott Petullo

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