Witness the cyclical nature of life by paying attention to Mercury retrograde, and you can even reduce your risk a little bit by sidestepping related problems.
Hallmark themes of this astrological occurrence include taking care of unfinished business from the past, communication problems, delays, and a general lack of clarity.
See this page for a thorough list of Mercury retrograde features and timetable.
As explained in the linked page above, the approximate three weeks before Mercury retrograde includes more difficulties than the actual retrograde period.
Mercury retrograde September-October 2015 details:
1. Mercury goes retrograde 9-17-2015 at 11:09 a.m. PDT, 15 degrees 55 minutes Libra.
2. Mercury goes direct 10-9-2015 at 7:57 a.m. PDT, 00 degrees 53 minutes Libra.
This bar graph includes the September-October 2015 Mercury retrograde period, along with other basic astrology events.
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