
Three Stages of Utilizing Personality Types

There exist three distinct stages of using personality type systems.

Popular personality type systems include Myers-Briggs, Enneagram (or Ennegram), and others; these are self-test driven and subjectively determined.

The first stage of applying personality types is discovering a system and finding your type, such as Achiever—Loyalist—Enthusiast, or Extraverted-Thinking. You marvel at the progress of your self-discovery and are excited about the prospect of being able to determine how other people function too.

The second stage of utilizing personality types is confusion about why various people classify the same person several different ways. You’re sure the job applicant is an Investigator-Peacemaker, Extraverted-Feeling, but your co-worker swears she’s an Individualist-Challenger, Introverted-Thinking.

The third stage of using personality types is realizing that although they may be part of an entertaining group exercise in the workplace and useful to help determine social inclination, you can’t rely on personality type systems to assess personality accurately any more than you can rely on politicians to spend your money wisely.

The truth about your personality type is that you don’t have a personality type. Your unique character is comprised of numerous personality traits, negative and positive.

You have three main choices to accurately assess character and determine genuine personality red-flag concerns: utilize a good psychologist, hire a security investigations firm to dig up information about the person’s true temperament, or hire an unconventional security investigations expert.

Copyright © 2013 Scott Petullo

One Response

  1. Dear Scott,

    In Myers-Briggs terms, I am an ENFP. Not too surprising, when you view my astrological chart. I am a Pisces Sun Sign, with Libra Rising, and my Moon is in the Sign of Sagittarius. I am an extrovert/but shy, sometimes, in unknown situations. I am intuitive, feeling, and perceiving. It all works together, mostly — just like the Cosmos.

    In Love and Light,

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