Transits, retrogrades, eclipses, and other sporadic universal factors are modifying agents and marginal relative to your comprehensive astrology (and numerology) personal natal and timing configurations.
However, I believe it’s a good idea to be aware of such occurrences, particularly how they transpire in conjunction with your unique charts because they offer an adequate introduction to the cyclical nature of life, and can even assist in helping you to avoid some of life’s complexities:
It’s important to note that, like other universal factors, Mercury retrograde never holds the same exact emblematic impact for everyone; these two blog posts address the phenomenon of Mercury retrograde:
Mercury retrograde March 2012—April 2012 details:
1. Mercury goes retrograde 3-12-2012 at 12:49 a.m. PDT 06 degrees 49 minutes Aries.
2. Mercury goes direct 4-4-2012 at 3:11 a.m. PDT 23 degrees 50 minutes Pisces.
3. The pre-retrograde period (outlined in the first Mercury retrograde blog post linked above, lasting 17-28 days before Mercury goes retrograde) started approximately mid February 2012. Generally, I’ve found this pre-period to be more challenging than the actual retrograde period.
4. The first half of Mercury retrograde (the “collapse phase,” as I phrase it in the blog post linked above) runs from about 3-12-2012 to 3-23-2012.
5. The second 11-12 days of Mercury retrograde runs from about 3-23-2012 to 4-4-2012.
6. Mercury slides back into the sign of Pisces 3-23-2012; Mercury in the sign of Pisces (detriment) is an additional affliction, so this Mercury retrograde is likely to be a little more problematic, overall.
Basic things to keep in mind about Mercury retrograde:
As the planet Mercury represents perception, interpersonal interaction, business and personal travel, buying and selling (commerce), and more, related interruptions, delays and miscommunications are to be expected during Mercury retrograde. Reviewing the past, previously valued concepts and ideals falling to pieces, and coming up with fresh solutions tend to be frequent themes.
The best way to take into consideration a retrograde planet (or any other indicator) is to weigh it as a single sign, one of many, then look for patterns of corroborating indicators in your personal comprehensive charts.
Universal factors, especially the challenging phases, routinely show the regular cadence and cyclical nature of life and they can be identified well in advance.
Do the same exact things happen under each universal phenomenon? No, but noticeable themes show up time and again.
An awareness of select universal cycles and how they relate to your personal comprehensive charts allows you to make the most of your life and reduce your exposure to risk.
Copyright © 2012 Scott Petullo