
Mercury Retrograde Follow-up: 3 More Details to Consider

As outlined in this blog post, the planet Mercury goes direct April 23, 2011 at 3:04 a.m. PDT after being retrograde since March 30, 2011.

Three additional points to consider regarding Mercury retrograde:

1. Although the second 11-12 days of Mercury retrograde symbolize more reliable, workable new ideas and plans, these tend to be related more to those notions that collapsed during the first 11-12 days of Mercury retrograde.

For example, for months you had planned to hire additional salespeople for your business, but the idea fell apart during the first half of Mercury retrograde and then during the second 11-12 days morphed into your new inspiration to hire additional public relations personnel instead.

2. Entirely new ideas tend to be more reliable at the approximately two-week point and beyond after Mercury goes direct. In this case, your thoughts and impressions are symbolically entirely free of Mercury retrograde energy as of about May 7th 2011.

3. Be wary of your perception of the new people who enter your life during the span of time from approximately two weeks before Mercury retrograde, to when Mercury goes direct. In this case, it is roughly March 15 2011 to April 23, 2011.

The more important Mercury is in your natal comprehensive charts and the more important transiting Mercury retrogrades are to you, the higher the chance your perception is conspicuously distorted in regards to new acquaintances during this period.

For instance, attempting to hire new staff or initiate new romantic relationships in your personal life can be exasperating. “How could I have viewed that person so differently than I see them now (after retrograde period)?” or “I can’t believe I overlooked that red flag!” are typical frustrations.

Tracking universal phenomena such as Mercury retrograde and discerning how they associate to your unique comprehensive natal and timing charts allows you to reduce your overall risk and make the most of the rewarding trends in your life.

For more information about rudimentary, minor astrological factors including other retrogrades (e.g., Pluto, Jupiter, et al., toward the end of the page) please see this blog post.

Copyright © 2011 Scott Petullo

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