The following beginner’s guide to astrology can be used in conjunction with the information Scott offers in periodic blog posts, such as dates and times of astrological phenomena including, but not limited to, select transits, solar and lunar eclipses, retrogrades, New Moons, and Full Moons.
Would you like to see how astrology reflects your life’s circumstances, and possibly even benefit from that wisdom?
By tracking some easy to follow, elementary, universal considerations in this beginner’s guide to astrology, you can get some idea.
Watch how they relate to your basic natal chart and you can get more of an idea.
Observe how they connect to your collective natal charts and you can get an even better understanding, and even avoid some of life’s hassles and capitalize on positive trends.
Sporadic vs. Everlasting Timing Indicators
Transits, conjunctions, retrogrades, eclipses, Moon Voids of Course, and other commonly known astrological occurrences are considered intermittent indicators because they are sometimes active, and sometimes not.
For example, solar eclipses occur between two and five times every year, yet during the bulk of the time they are not a concern at all.
Another example is the supposed harsh transit of Saturn through your natal 7th house, the house of love relationships and marriage (among other things). While it’s true it can represent relationship troubles and even collapse, depending on supporting or mitigating natal and timing indicators, this transit only happens for about 2.5 years every approximately 29.5 years.
The meager temporary functioning symbolism of irregular cycles, which are heavily favored in modern astrology, is a problem in prediction. Modern astrology, unfortunately, rejects most of the more valuable predictive methods of ancient astrology and number mysticism, such as using natal patterns to forecast, making use of the cycles represented by uniquely potent natal heavenly bodies and other natal factors, and using uninterrupted cycles such as 3, 7, 12, 19, or 27-year cycles, which have proven to be of more value.
NOTE: The infrequent cosmic events outlined in this beginner’s guide to astrology amount to less than 10% of a reasonably solid system of checks and balances. They are mostly modifying indicators and are best used to firm up an existing comprehensive analysis derived from perpetual cycles (astrological and numerological). However, the factors in this beginner’s guide to astrology are easy to track. Doing so allows you to grasp the omnipresent, cyclical nature of reality. They can even help you plan your days and have more success reaching your goals. Comprehensive astrology and numerology, beyond the scope of the information presented in this beginner’s guide to astrology, are the dialects of personal fate. They are as complex as any foreign languages, and must be utilized correctly for respectable accuracy rates.
Today it’s common to hear of someone (even a professional) erroneously linking a single universal astrological or numerological consideration to a specific happening, such as, “Venus is in Libra so people are more pleasant.” There’s a reason the science of astrology isn’t in very good standing today; the immeasurable amount of misinformation on the topic in circulation on the Internet and in print makes a mockery of the ancient tradition. This beginner’s guide to astrology offers important points to help you cut through the haze and gain more clarity about astrology.
Five Crucial Truths Regarding Astrological or Numerological Indicators:
- Any single universal indicator, even the most notorious, relates to any given person in a unique way, in various amounts of reward or challenge. The universal energy is important, but how it harmonizes with your natal charts prevails.
- Even the worst of the universal indicators may not apply to you personally or symbolically make any impact whatsoever on your life.
- Any one indicator’s energy (negative or positive, balanced, over-balanced, or under-balanced) alone may be corroborated or even completely mitigated by the energy of the rest of the indicators (500+) in the comprehensive charts. Therefore, focusing on only one or even a handful of indicators to delineate or predict is unwise.
- Numerous universal afflictions are always transpiring at any given time. The more commonly known ones include retrogrades, eclipses, and Moon Voids of Course, for instance.
- Nothing “affects” you in astrology or numerology, it symbolizes; indicators don’t “make” something happen. Also, collections of indicators, not single ones, represent life circumstances. There is no “this means that” (a single factor relating to a specific life circumstance or personality trait) in astrology or numerology.
As mentioned above, tracking such minor factors serves as a valuable introduction to the ever-present cyclical nature of life.
Astrology Basics
It’s not easy relaying exactly how you should view each astrological dynamic in this beginner’s guide to astrology without trivializing the science. But here are some very, very generalized meanings of the ten core heavenly bodies:
Sun = vitality, recognition, conscious identity, charisma
Moon = inner being, personality desires, moods, emotional self
Mercury = communication, messages, mind, changeability
Venus = pleasure, socially-oriented matters, romantic life
Mars = utilization of energy, action, aggression, strife, dissension
Jupiter = abundance, philosophy, opportunity, ease, expansion
Saturn = restraint, challenges, endurance, fear, anxiety, efficiency
Uranus = the unexpected, technology, unconventional, individuality
Neptune = dreams, fantasy, deception, illusion, idealism
Pluto = power, transformation, upheaval, destruction, renewal
Keep in mind that there is much more to each heavenly body than listed in the beginner’s guide to astrology. For example, Saturn has a bad reputation for being all about hardship and restriction. But if you have a very potent, healthy, well-placed natal Saturn for instance, it’s not symbolic of limitation, but of opportunity, unique to its condition, sign, placement and everything connected to it. A healthy, well-placed Saturn can symbolize wealth, as an example.
Another example could involve Jupiter, which is commonly known to be symbolic of rewards and the good things in life. However, if your natal Jupiter is in very bad shape, it’s possible that it could represent tragic excess and over-indulgence, if supported by other indicators.
Basic sign particulars are as follows:
Aries = action oriented, drive to be on top
Taurus = propensity toward material and sensual things in life
Gemini = clever, eclectic, mentally oriented
Cancer = oriented toward emotions and home
Leo = propensity to seek honor and the spotlight
Virgo = critical analysis, details, discernment, precision
Libra = evenhanded, socially-inclined, diplomatic
Scorpio = mysterious, control-oriented, acute intensity
Sagittarius = independence, freedom, adventure, idealism
Capricorn = determined, calculating, pragmatic
Aquarius = humane, need for autonomy, originality, inventive
Pisces = sensitivity, feelings, compassion
To give you a very basic idea of planet and sign combinations, combine Mercury and Aquarius, for instance, and you could have original thinking, contingent on other factors. Or, blend Venus and Taurus, and it might equate to a strong interest in romance and, or sex, depending on other considerations.
The elements of the signs offer some additional basic awareness. Generally, fire and air are harmonious, and earth and water are harmonious. Also, each element commonly blends well with itself (fire and fire, etc.). But just keep in mind there’s a lot more to compatibility assessment than signs and elements.
Fire signs are Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius.
Earth signs are Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn.
Air signs are Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius.
Water signs are Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces.
Fire = dynamism, vigor
Earth = sensibleness, pragmatism, tactics
Air = active mind, communication
Water = compassion, empathy, feelings
Ptolemaic Aspects
Even though contemporary astrology, in my view, emphasizes Ptolemaic aspects too much, it’s good to have an understanding of them. They relate to the amount of ease or friction between two entities or points (such as between two planets, or between an Arabic Part and the Ascendant, etc.)
The major Ptolemaic aspects consist of oppositions (180 degree angle), conjunctions (0 degree angle), squares (90 degree angle), trines (120 degree angle), and sextiles (60 degree angle).
The “hard” aspects include oppositions, conjunctions, and squares, and they typically symbolize life’s challenges, which many people consider to be opportunities in a spiritual sense.
Oppositions include the following:
Aries is opposed to Libra.
Taurus is opposed to Scorpio.
Gemini is opposed to Sagittarius.
Cancer is opposed to Capricorn.
Leo is opposed to Aquarius.
Virgo is opposed to Pisces.
Square aspects are combinations of signs that are of different elements (see above), like Scorpio with Aquarius, and suggest challenge and tension.
Conjunctions (same sign combinations) relate to an intensification of the sign’s energy, and are sometimes positive and sometimes negative, depending on related factors.
Trine aspects are combinations of signs that are of the same element, such as Cancer with Pisces, and are largely harmonious, as are sextile aspects: combinations of signs that are of compatible, but in different elements such as Scorpio with Capricorn.
Moon opposing Sun, as what happens during a Full Moon, is an example of two heavenly bodies in aspect.
The Horoscope and Houses
Horoscopic astrology, which includes the basic astrology chart system with its Ascendant (the degree of the rising Eastern horizon at the chart’s inception), or “rising sign” and house divisions, is believed to have originated in Hellenistic Egypt (approximately 330 BC – 30 BC).
It’s inappropriate that much of today’s Sun sign astrology (i.e., poetry and entertainment) is referred to as horoscopes, since it has nothing to do with the Ascendant.
Natal astrology involves establishing horoscopic charts (natal charts) at the precise time and location of a person’s birth to determine personality traits and fated life circumstances and events.
Basic meanings of the 12 house divisions:
1st house = self, physical body, talent, life force
2nd house = money, possessions, personal resources, earning ability
3rd house = siblings, communication, state of mind, neighbors, education
4th house = home, father, family, real estate, end of life, endings and new starts
5th house = social life, love life, sex, pleasures, performing arts, speculation, children
6th house = work, service to others, health—minor illnesses, work environment, skills
7th house = partnerships, relationships, marriage, litigation, public relations
8th house = matters relating to death, taxes, inheritance, other people’s money, sex, occult
9th house = international interests, spirituality and religion, higher education, publishing
10th house = career, status, public honor or scandal, your actions and fate
11th house = friends, clubs, associations, wishes, rewards from others, goals
12th house = health—major illnesses, limitation, secret enemies, self-undoing, confinement, large organizations, secret activity, inner world
Please keep in mind that the meanings listed above in this beginner’s guide to astrology are only a preview.
A very simplified illustration of a heavenly body in a house includes Mars in the 7th house, which could imply discord in partnerships. In order to authenticate such a life circumstance, it would have to be corroborated by the collective natal patterns, comprised of multiple indicators.
Phases of the Moon
The Moon orbits the Earth through an approximate 29.53-day cycle. The phases of the Moon are as follows:
New Moon
Crescent Moon
First Quarter Moon
Waxing Gibbous Moon
Full Moon
Waning Gibbous Moon
Last Quarter Moon
Balsamic Moon
New Moon rises and sets with the Sun; it is conjunct (in the same sign) the Sun. Full Moon is opposed the Sun (in the opposite sign).
Generally, the period between the New Moon and Full Moon is viewed as favorable, and the period between the Full Moon and New Moon is unfavorable. But don’t be alarmed if you were born between a Full Moon and New Moon, as it’s only one consideration of hundreds in doing comprehensive analysis. By itself, this indication is not directly symbolic of a blessed or wretched life by any means.
Pay attention to which house in your basic natal chart the New and Full Moons occur. Full Moon in your 4th House, for example, draws attention to life concerns connected to the 4th house (home, father, family, real estate, etc.).
Solar and lunar eclipses usually occur within the same 29.53 day cycle of the Moon (solar eclipse during New Moon, lunar eclipse during Full Moon), and take place between 2 and 5 times each year.
During a solar eclipse (which is always during a New Moon), the Moon moves between the Earth and Sun, masking part of the Sun, and the Moon’s shadow hits the Earth. Only during the New Moon periods where the Moon’s shadow connects with the Earth does the solar eclipse happen.
The Moon is eclipsed during a lunar eclipse (which is always during a Full Moon), which is to say the Moon travels through the Earth’s shadow during a Full Moon, but this doesn’t happen every Full Moon, just as a solar eclipse doesn’t happen every New Moon.
Astrologically, eclipses relate to, in part, symbolic death and rebirth or transformation. Generally, important beginnings can relate to solar eclipses, and key endings can be symbolic of lunar eclipses. Breakthroughs in some way or another tend to be themes.
For instance, if you have natal Moon and 10th house cusp (MC, or Midheaven, the peak or apex of the basic natal chart) close enough by degree in the same sign to a particular lunar eclipse, it’s one potential sign of many that you have some significant changes and completions going on at that time in relation to your 10th (career, status, actions, etc.) and Moon (emotions, habits, personality needs/the inner self, behavior patterns, etc.—the definitions I list here are only meant to offer only a preview).
New and Full Moons which include eclipses are periods of intensified energy and emotions (more so during a Full Moon/lunar eclipse), and unexpected occurrences are common. On average, the heightened sense of liveliness and even drama of each spans 10 days prior and 3 days after an eclipse, with the intensity peaking at the time of the eclipse.
Eclipses can be symbolic of weighty changes and during eclipse energy it’s a good idea to be extra cautious about important purchases, signing legal documents or contracts, working out the details of vital arrangements in your business, career, or personal life, and any other higher than average risk-oriented areas of concern.
Be wary of inspired and, or unusual ideas that you develop near and during an eclipse if they involve financial or other risk of any kind because chances are higher than usual they won’t manifest as you expect due to your reasoning being somewhat distorted. Wait a few weeks to review new ideas before initiating.
As always with all universal indicators, take notice where it occurs in your natal charts.
Moon Voids of Course
Moon Void of Course is, in my opinion, a critical affliction. Yet as I always say, I recommend you avoid relying on only one or a few astrological or numerological indicators since a comprehensive approach involving hundreds of indicators is necessary in order to achieve consistently high levels of accuracy in prediction and outlining personality.
By itself, a Moon Void of Course is minor, but combined with several other key afflictions, it becomes more important. You can benefit even if Moon VOC is the only phenomenon you follow, but please acknowledge that there exist hundreds of other considerations, which collectively, can symbolically void any given Moon VOC.
The Moon is intimately connected to your instincts, subconscious, and intuition, so any affliction or fortunate indicator connected to it is good to track in relation to your decision-making and perception. An appropriate analogy of Moon VOC is like traveling through an underground tunnel where your phone signal is cut off. During a Moon VOC, especially a worse than average one (Moon VOC varies in intensity—some are more dreadful than others depending on other indictors), you’re in a temporary vacuum and your discernment is distorted. Time seems to slow down, your focus isn’t as clear, and unfounded fears and unrealistic ideas are more common.
NOTE: as with any consideration, how it relates to your personal comprehensive charts rules. If your natal Moon, for example, is the most potent heavenly body in your charts, then Moon VOC is more important to you.
The Moon orbits the Earth just about every 29.53 days and spends an average of 2.5 days in each of the 12 astrological signs. The Moon is Void of Course if it fails to form a major Ptolemaic aspect to another planet before it leaves the sign it’s in. The duration of a Moon VOC can be as brief as 10 minutes, to as long as about two days.
Also, it’s been said that an area of concern, such as the initiation of a new enterprise, under a Moon VOC will “come to nothing,” but I believe that’s only true if the other relative considerations support the notion en masse. Still, it’s a fascinating astrological indicator to track.
During a Moon Void of Course, do:
*Routine work.
*Creative hobbies.
*Routine cleaning.
During a Moon Void of Course, don’t:
*Make important plans—they may not happen or will happen differently than expected.
*Brainstorm—new ideas never manifest or will backfire.
*Start anything new—things initiated are never finished or take much longer than expected to complete. If you meet someone during a VOC, the interaction will not be meaningless, but probably different than you expected, and may be short-lived.
*Buy anything of importance—purchases made will never be used, will break down, or will have to be returned for unforeseen reasons.
*Schedule important appointments: they may have to be changed or rescheduled.
If you would like to investigate this phenomenon, observe other people’s actions during Moon VOC. Without telling them about VOC, notice what plans they make, what they purchase, people they meet, and ideas they generate under the Moon VOC.
Your perception about a new acquaintance, for example, during a Moon VOC is much more likely to be inaccurate. Sudden apprehension often proves to be baseless: you wake up after a nightmare during a Moon VOC and you’re concerned about the terrible vision of a friend in danger, yet it never manifests. However, over-eating and drinking, and otherwise generating an ill-at-ease feeling through over-consumption is common, as are things like overlooking your time in the Sun and inadvertently getting bad sunburn.
Four classic examples of Moon VOC related occurrences:
- You meet a new friend during a Moon VOC. Although you realize it’s a VOC, it seems to be a great connection, yet later you attempt to get together a few times but your schedules never coincide. Then, a couple months later your new friend tells you she’s relocating to a different country.
- During a VOC you’re suddenly concerned about a physical symptom you’ve just become aware of and you’re panicked about your well-being. After consulting with your doctor, you realize that your fears were unfounded and it was only a reaction to something you ate.
- You get dressed one morning during a Moon VOC and realize later that what seemed like a great fashion choice turned out to be a fashion crime.
- Your Internet connection completely disappears during a long Moon VOC and you’re worried you may not be able to access the Internet for days. A couple hours later you regain your Internet access.
Additional information about Moon Voids of Course, along with a full Moon Void of Course calendar, can be found in the Direct Your Destiny e-package.
I view transits and other minor indicators mentioned in this beginner’s guide to astrology as modifiers. For example, transiting (i.e., in motion) Moon in Taurus is an exalted Moon and lends a distinct flavor (the specific type depends on your natal indicators) to whichever house in your basic natal chart it’s moving through.
Saturn transits (and everything connected to them) are, in my view, some of the more important transits to watch.
At the time of writing this beginner’s guide to astrology (January 2010), Saturn is at about 4 degrees Libra (each sign has 30 degrees). It takes roughly 2.5 yrs. to move through each sign. About every 7 years it moves through an angular house (1st, 4th, 7th or 10th house) in your basic natal chart. Angular houses are more important; they represent the most potent positions (1st and 10th in particular) of the fundamental natal figure. If you have a Libra Ascendant, for example, Saturn is hitting your 1st house at this time.
This is to say it brings the energy of the universal transit to your 1st house, along with the significance of your exclusive natal Saturn energy to your 1st house. The uniqueness would be different for each person, and you must factor in everything else that is connected to your natal Saturn (e.g., its ruler or rulers, Ptolemaic aspects, fixed stars, et al.) and first house.
If a heavenly body in a person’s comprehensive charts is the most potent heavenly body of their natal configurations, special emphasis is given to related universal considerations. For example, if Venus dominates a person’s natal charts, it’s a good idea watch anything universal related to Venus more carefully.
Again, you must look at any universal indicator in relation to the person’s distinctive, comprehensive charts. First contemplate the planet or heavenly body. Then consider the sign. Then take into account its location, the specific natal house it is in. That is a good start.
Miscellaneous tips about transits:
*Pay attention to transits of Mars, Saturn and any planet or heavenly body in your natal charts that dominates. Also watch when such transiting heavenly bodies enter your natal 1st, 4th, 7th, or 10th houses (the angular houses of your basic natal chart), as well as when universal indicators replicate your natal indicators, such as Universal Year of 2014/7 matching your year of birth of 1960/7, or when Sun squares Saturn, if your natal configurations include that. Also notice what transpires when they (Saturn and Mars) connect with your Sun, Moon, or Ascendant through hard aspect (conjunction, square, and opposition).
*Transits symbolically temper the collective energy of the other, more important indicators, such as constantly-in-effect cycles like 3, 7, 12, or 19-year cycles, cycles represented by natal patterns, and cyclical timing phases symbolized by outstandingly potent natal considerations, and other factors. By themselves, transits aren’t significant enough to reflect key life circumstances. They are useful to firm up an existing comprehensive analysis, and they can help to give you an idea of the cyclical nature of life and how it is reflected by astrology.
*Planetary returns are beneficial to take notice of. A return is when it moves all the way around the basic natal figure, back to where it was when you were born, such as a lunar return, which is when the Moon enters the same sign (and exact degree to narrow it down) as it was in when you were born (which happens every approximately 29.53 days).
Each heavenly body transits as follows:
Sun remains in each sign for about 30 days, on average
Moon remains in each sign for about 2.5 days, on average
Mercury remains in each sign for about 18 days, on average
Venus remains in each sign for about 18 days, on average
Mars remains in each sign for about 50 days, on average
Jupiter remains in each sign for about 1 year, on average
Saturn remains in each sign for about 2.5 years, on average
Uranus remains in each sign for about 7 years, on average
Neptune remains in each sign for about 12 years, on average
Pluto remains in each sign for about 20 years, on average
Though retrogrades aren’t really about planets actually spinning around and reversing course, retrograde planets look like they reverse direction during retrograde. It only appears so because of our vantage point in viewing the retrograde planet’s orbit during Earth’s orbit. A post-retrograde planet (i.e., when it goes “direct”) appears to turn back around and move forward. It then continues to progress through the astrological signs.
Retrogrades are an affliction, but don’t get too concerned about it. It’s only one of many possible afflictions and any one retrograde by itself won’t symbolically wreck havoc on your life, nor does a retrograde planet in your natal configurations symbolize misfortune, by itself.
As with any universal event, watch where it occurs in your natal configurations.
Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto all appear to go in retrograde motion every once in a while. At least one of these planets is retrograde at any point in time, and the further it is away from the Sun, the longer the duration of retrograde.
Every retrograde has three periods, including the first “station” when it turns retrograde, the second “station” when it stops going retrograde, and when it moves direct again, advancing through the signs.
Approximate Duration and frequency of Retrogrades, on average:
Mercury: 24 days, about every 4 months
Venus: 42 days, about every 18 months
Mars: 80 days, about every 2 years
Jupiter: 120 days, about once every year
Saturn: 140 days, about once every year
Uranus: 150 days, about once every year
Neptune: 160 days, about once every year
Pluto: 160 days, about once every year
Retrograde periods are reflective of reconsideration, reviewing the past (and potentially finding solutions to old problems), delays, holding back, internalizing, repressing, rear-view mirror perspective, reviewing existing ideas, et al. Combine these concepts with the planet’s energy (see below) to get a better idea.
Mercury = communication, messages, mind, changeability
Venus = pleasure, socially-oriented matters, romantic life
Mars = utilization of energy, action, aggression, strife, dissension
Jupiter = abundance, philosophy, opportunity, ease, expansion
Saturn = restraint, challenges, endurance, fear, anxiety, efficiency
Uranus = the unexpected, technology, unconventional, individuality
Neptune = dreams, fantasy, deception, illusion, idealism
Pluto = power, transformation, upheaval, destruction, renewal
Someone born under Mars retrograde is more likely to (depending on other factors), in part, naturally direct their energy inward vs. outward resulting in repression, and a Mars retrograde is more important to that person. During mars retrograde period, there is an increased focus on faulty execution of personal energy, for example, but again, the phenomenon is unique to each person—for some it’s a non-event, for others it represents key life circumstances, if supported by other indicators.
Or, someone born with Mercury Retrograde might have a higher tendency than average for subjective thought when an objective viewpoint is required.
Mercury retrograde is one of the most well-known astrological events, aside from the phases of the Moon. It occurs about every four months, lasting about 24 days as outlined above (excluding pre and post-retrograde energy periods).
Mercury retrograde is notoriously known for such things as communication screw-ups and misunderstandings, computer and other technology glitches, travel delays, scheduling conflicts, machinery break-downs, setbacks, and complications with new project launches. But Mercury retrograde doesn’t make such things happen, just as any astrological or numerological consideration doesn’t affect your reality; it’s just symbolic of the circumstances. As above, so below.
Re-doing things, reconsidering matters, slowing down and exercising a bit more caution in relation to communication, and finishing up projects that are already in motion are appropriate for Mercury retrograde.
Note that if the planet Mercury isn’t a potent planet in your natal comprehensive charts, then Mercury retrograde won’t be as much of an issue for you. However, if you have Mercury retrograde in your natal configurations, any Mercury retrogrades will be more important to you, depending on other indicators.
Also pay attention to where a transiting retrograde planet falls in your natal charts: if it’s in an angular house (1st, 4th, 7th, or 10th), it’s more important to you than if it were in a cadent (weak) house, such as 3rd, 6th, 9th, or 12th.
Too much importance is given to Mercury retrograde, in my opinion—it’s too often the scapegoat for life’s challenges when it really isn’t the problem, while dozens more other indicators are collectively more symbolic of the particular events and circumstances.
One key point to keep in mind is that up to 17-28 days before Mercury goes retrograde (pre-retrograde period), Mercury retrograde related circumstances can be worse than the actual retrograde period. Also, the second half of the approximate 24-day Mercury retrograde period usually, overall, goes more smoothly than the first half.
It’s recommended to be cautious of great new ideas involving any risk during Mercury retrograde periods because after Mercury retrograde it’s typical to see the idea from a different angle (i.e., more clearly), changing your view of its prospects.
By all means, go ahead with anything you have planned during retrogrades or other universal afflictions mentioned in this article, but just make sure to be a little more cautious in your dealings.
If you were born under retrograde of any of the following planets, listed are possible personality traits:
Mercury: subjectivity, over-analysis, possible trouble with written or spoken communication
Venus: later than usual marriage or meaningful love relationships, repression of love-related emotions and affection, relationship issues, social/sexual withdrawal
Mars: aggravation, drive and personal energy is subdued, possible eventual sublimation of aggression into constructive initiative, impulsiveness, timidity
Jupiter: rewards come later in life, comfortable with solitude, truth seeker, extravagance, recklessness, muted eagerness and excitement
Saturn: anxiety, frustration, burdens, father absent or inactive, success is more difficult to come by, issues with authority (from either standpoint—as an authority as with misuse of power, or with authority figures)
Uranus: eccentricity, inhibited sense of independence, possibly rebellious tendencies, unpredictable
Neptune: escapist tendencies, possible addiction problems, excessive imagination
Pluto: bottled up personal power, secretive, possible control and power issues—either controlled by another person or possesses a controlling personality, possible past life pattern of being banished or sent into exile
Possible transiting retrograde circumstances of planets, Mercury through Pluto:
Mercury: past associations come back to you, communication and transportation problems
Venus: relationship concerns come up, past loves return, examination of relationships
Mars: enemies return, strife revisited, misdirected anger, anguish, destructive activity
Jupiter: assessment of life philosophies, questioning spiritual and religious beliefs
Saturn: decent time to restore, re-model, and reconstruct, goal reassessment, issues with authority, progress is sluggish
Uranus: unforeseen circumstances arise, technology problems, radicalism, restlessness
Neptune: illusion, dreams and fantasies take over, possibly with detrimental effects, deception
Pluto: destruction and rebuilding, misplaced power, struggles, manipulation, secrets
Final Note
Retrogrades, eclipses, transits, progressions, Moon Voids of Course, solar returns, and other modifying agents are largely superficial compared to tried and true comprehensive charting methods and amount to less than 10% of all indicators and methods of a reliable comprehensive system. However, they do offer a decent introduction to the cyclical nature of life, as I say in this beginner’s guide to astrology. Accuracy in prediction and delineation of character has everything to do with a solid system of checks and balances. It’s pattern recognition. If I find 88% of all possible natal indicators favoring recognition, for example, and that person is moving through favorable collective timing for recognition, they will be known.
Copyright © 2010 Scott Petullo
18 Responses
Why, from his own point of view, and apart from general humanitarian considerations, should anyone care what happens in future incarnations, since, if I understand correctly, those are different personalities?
Thanks for the feedback, Forrest. My opinion is that the soul is eternal–you come back, yet the personality differs. It’s enough of an incentive to make the most of your future lives through your actions in this life, now.
What a great resource!
Thanks for your feedback.
This article has given me a deeper insight into astrology generally and has been very interesting – thank you, Scott.