
Astrology Q & A: “What Does Jupiter and Mars in my 7th House Mean?”

Question: “What does Jupiter and Mars in my 7th House Mean?”

Answer:  It means many things, all of which depend on the other 500+ factors you must consider in a comprehensive analysis.

To get a surface-oriented assessment, one that will most likely, ultimately be over-ruled by the collective energy of the other indicators, you could look on this blog post for the general meaning of, for example, the planet Mars, and then the meaning of the 7th house. Put those two together, and you have, possibly, aggression and, or strife in partnerships.

There is no “this means that” answer, that is, if you want a decent level of accuracy. The meaning of any single indicator is wholly based on the collective symbolism of the other factors throughout the comprehensive charts.

Jupiter, for instance, can just as easily relate to over-indulgence, destructive excess, and wastefulness as it can abundance and rewards, depending on other factors.

How to go about discerning the symbolism, for example, relating to the question, “What Does Jupiter and Mars in my 7th House Mean?”:

1. Study the meaning of the planets Mars and Jupiter thoroughly–and put most emphasis on the ancient meanings, not the modern, overly-creative and psychological-based meanings. By “ancient,” I’m referring to from ancient times up to around 1600 AD.

2. Consider the signs in which the planets reside, and consider how the planets act in those signs, based on dignification, for instance (i.e., Mars is dignified in Aries).

3. Study the meaning of the 7th house—again, the ancient meanings, not the modern ones.

4. Study the meaning of Mars and Jupiter acting through those signs, in that house (7th).

5. What is the ruler of your 7th? The ruler of the 7th is the strongest planet associated with that house. It may be Jupiter or Mars, or it may be some other heavenly body.

6. Are Mars or Jupiter afflicted? There are many possible afflictions, including debilitated by sign or by Ptolemaic aspect. Weigh the afflictions.

7. Are Mars and Jupiter supported/emboldened by other heavenly bodies (i.e., reception), which would help to mitigate the symbolic energy of an affliction?

8. Study the rulers of Mars and Jupiter—how are they relative to what I say above for Mars and Jupiter (afflicted?, etc.).

9. What else is in your 7th?

10. What is the sign on the 7th cusp and what is/where is its ruler or rulers? How is the health of those ruler or rulers?

The above steps are a good start in learning astrology, one of the languages of fate.

Copyright © 2010 Scott Petullo

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