

Astrology: Mars Secrets Revealed

Being aware of the symbolism of Mars in a person’s comprehensive astrology charts lends vast understanding to his character and personal fate. I’m pleased to serve as your interpreter, as few desire to take the time to learn comprehensive astrology, which is as challenging to learn as any foreign language.

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Caution: Mars and Saturn Retrograde March 2014

As displayed in the 2014 astrology bar graph in this blog post, Mars and Saturn are retrograde starting the beginning of March. Additionally, Pluto is retrograde starting April 14. Mars retrograde: 3-1-2014, 8:23 a.m. PST, 27 degrees 31 minutes Libra. Saturn retrograde: 3-2-2014, 8:19 a.m. PST, 23 degrees 19 minutes

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Astrology Q & A: “What Does Jupiter and Mars in my 7th House Mean?”

It has happened countless times. Someone mentions one or two factors of their natal astrology and they ask me, “What does it mean?”, like this question I recently received: “What does Jupiter and Mars in my 7th House Mean?” It means many things, all of which depend on the other 500+ factors you must consider in a comprehensive analysis.

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