Due to the confidential nature of Scott’s work, most of his clients prefer to remain anonymous. These are only some of the testimonials Scott has received since 1997. If you wish to offer a testimonial, it’s welcome and you may do so on the contact page.
Scott, you've been quite exact with your analyses. It's baffling almost.
Everything you predicted five years ago has happened when you said it would.
Normally, all psychics, no matter their prominence or 'level' have been wrong on me. You have been right within the realm you addressed the issues very consistently.
Scott, I just wanted to say that the compatibility readings you did for me were so spot on. I think I have read them about a trillion times now. I also feel really inspired with the Money Timeline, just very impatient for things to start happening.
Scott, you're precise and you know what you're talking about. You've done wonderful work for me.
Scott, thanks, this is genuinely amazing. I love the way you format and present your information. I'm happy I finally found you and your system(s). The way you look at things just makes 'sense,' and feels right.