To most people, what predicts successful relationships is a mystery.
To me, and others who do the type of work I do, it isn’t really a mystery. In order to solve certain problems, you must think outside the box.
According to this article, extensive studies show, “…the demographics, preferences, and values of two people had surprisingly little power in predicting whether those two people were happy in a romantic relationship,” and, “a person who is happy outside their relationship is far more likely to be happy inside their relationship as well.” The author goes on to say, “Good romantic partners are difficult to predict with data. Desired romantic partners are easy to predict with data. And that suggests that many of us are dating all wrong.”
The data in the studies involved the following: “…demographics (e.g., age, education, income, and race); physical appearance (e.g., How attractive did other people rate each partner?); sexual tastes (e.g., How frequently did each partner want sex? How freaky did they want that sex to be?); interests and hobbies; mental and physical health; values (e.g., their views on politics, relationships, and child-rearing)…”
It turns out that similar age, income, education, race, physical attractiveness, sexual tastes, hobbies, mental and physical health, and values are a mere starting point only as it relates to compatibility.
The following additional considerations, discerned through handwriting analysis, are often cited for the level of harmony between two people.
- Problematic subconscious fears and defenses, including personality red flags such as stubbornness, excessive bias, dishonesty, vanity, jealousy, irrationality, and resentment will make a connection between you and another person worse.
- Tact, modesty, sincerity, objectivity, dependability, emotional maturity, discretion, and other admirable qualities serve to enhance partnerships.
But that’s still only part of the puzzle. Both people having positive qualities in excess and lacking red flag personality traits won’t override a horrendous, inherent bond, the innate level of compatibility, measured by comprehensive astrology and numerology.
Sometimes it’s obvious to you in the beginning of the relationship if the inborn level of compatibility (as measured by comprehensive astrology and numerology) is rewarding or challenging. Basically, the harder you must work at a relationship (personal or business), the worse the natural connection between you and the other person. Read about six more relationship compatibility secrets here.
Whether you’re “willing to work at it” or not is important too, as is being more selfless and striving toward the goals of the relationship.
Ultimately, authentic compatibility is not a choice; it’s unvarying and endures forever, and each two-person connection is different.
“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.”
Nikola Tesla
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