Everyone is special, relative to his or her distinctive comprehensive astrological and numerological patterns.
Differences make the world go around, and extraordinarily bizarre types of people sometimes serve as agents of important change.
Prominent oddballs of the world, such as Pablo Picasso, Nikola Tesla, Albert Einstein, David Bowie, and Steve Jobs, show us that unconventionality can make the world a better place.
A sampling of things that make others believe you’re an oddball include the following: multiple marriages and affairs (Picasso); being a “germophobe” and refusing to stay in hotel rooms that weren’t multiples of 3 (Tesla); refusal to wear socks (Einstein); founding the “Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Long-Haired Men” (Bowie); obtaining a new car every 6 months in order to use dealer plates and avoid having to get regular license plates (Jobs).
You’ll find more common (subjective) abnormalities in everyone’s life. Person A, a social butterfly, believes person B is too reclusive. Person B, an aspiring mystic, believes person A is too surface oriented. Each thinks the other is peculiar. My findings tell me both are perfect as they are, relative to their innate character and predestined path in life.
“Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice.”
Steve Jobs
Unique patterns in the comprehensive astrological and numerological charts signify eccentricity. Although explaining the details of the patterns is beyond the scope of this article, you can get an idea of what makes an individual appear strange just by learning about specific related astrological and numerological factors.
The most easily identifiable oddball behavior indicators include the numerological factors involving the numbers 7, 11, and 22. That includes variations of 7, 11, and 22, such as 25, 34, 29, 65, 895, and 1975. In numerology, use fadic addition to reduce each double or higher digit number to a single digit: 25= 2+5= 7, 34= 3+4= 7, 29= 2+9= 11, 65= 6+5=11, 895= 8+9+5=22, and 1975= 1+9+7+5= 22.
The reason 7, 11, and 22 are more symbolic of unusual character and behavior than other numbers is that they are less mundane and much more connected to the other side than other numbers. There is no “normal” on the other side.
An aside, numbers (and planets, fixed stars, etc.) don’t make anything happen, though they do represent character and life circumstances.
When reviewing the mere dates of birth of the above-listed famous individuals, you won’t see a lot of 7, 11, or 22. However, for all of them, the patterns in their comprehensive natal and timing charts (using the full birth data) include an abundance of that type of energy.
Read about the number 7 here.
Read about the number 11 here.
Read about the number 22 here.
Astrological features that can equate to outlandish behavior (particularly negative qualities if the heavenly body is severely afflicted) include some of the following: excessive Mercury energy can relate to a quirky personality with a lightning fast, creative mind; strong Venus energy often symbolizes an insatiable desire for sensual pursuits, yet a talent for beautification; a disproportionate amount of Mars energy frequently symbolizes an energetic, determined, yet irritable and contentious individual; heavy Jupiter can mean continual over-indulgence, leading to obesity, but also a talent for reasoning and attracting abundance; excessive Saturn energy can relate to nervous tension, anti-social behavior, paranoia, a gloomy, enigmatic, and lean appearance, yet endurance and a brilliantly analytical mind; extreme Uranus energy is representative of an unorthodox way of life, inventive and original thinking, freedom, and radical independence; Neptune in abundance can relate to idealism and dreams, but too often represents illusion, drinking and, or drugging.
See this article for more information about basic astrology, including planets, signs, elements, houses, and more.
Ultimately, everyone is an oddball in his or her own unique way. As the aforementioned famous individuals have proved, being true to your oddball nature can be a tremendous gift to the world.
“Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.”
Steve Jobs
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