My complimentary 2021 Astrology Bar Graph, below, gives you a general overview of basic, yet relevant astrology factors for the year.
Those proficient in basic astrology can use it in conjunction with their basic natal chart to help make the most of their circumstances and diminish risk.
Those who know little or nothing about astrology can also utilize this 2021 Astrology Bar Graph to help limit their risk.
Be a little more cautious regarding important matters involving higher than average risk on the day of and the days surrounding eclipses and Mercury retrogrades. This includes, but is not limited to, big purchases, investments, and legal contracts

(right click on image and open in a new tab or window, or copy or save image)
See this blog post for information about Mercury retrograde.
See this blog post for information about eclipses. See this blog post for additional information about eclipses.
This blog post includes information about multiple, basic astrology factors, including those in the above bar graph.
Although my 2021 Astrology Bar Graph features relatively few basic astral events, tracking these cycles and events, especially in conjunction with your natal configurations, can help you limit your risk and save time and money.
Copyright © 2020 Scott Petullo