“I am conducting research on astrology for my 8th grade class. I am expected to interview an adult who is knowledgeable about astrology. I have 6 questions I would like to ask you if you are willing to be interviewed by me. I have included my questions below so that you know the type of information I am looking for.
- Were the Armenians the first to discover astrology?
- What makes the earth wobble and how does it wobble? How does it change the way we see the night sky?
- How can we use astrology to predict events in the future?
- How did the ancient Greeks affect astrology?
- How did the early Armenians in Metsamor become so much more advanced than all the other ancient civilizations?
- Do you think astrology is a science or is a pseudo science?”
Is your assignment to write a paper on this topic and not an interview? I’ve had several of these types of requests before and when I ask for a confirmation/the teacher’s e-mail address, the student disappears and doesn’t respond.
No matter. I can be of help anyway.
- The Armenians may have had something to do with devising astrological signs, but it’s hard to prove. My belief is that several ancient cultures had the makings of the beginning of astrology, but astrology didn’t come together enough to be useful in recorded history until approximately the fifth century BC. Read more about that here.
- Regarding Earth wobbling, read about “precession” here.
- Astrology, at least the forms I use, can be used to predict personal fate. As for mundane events like earthquakes, economic and financial market troubles or geopolitical events, that’s much more challenging. Read more about prediction and timing of predestined events here.
- The ancient Greeks contributed greatly to the science of astrology. See the information linked in #1, above.
- You would have to supply links to sources that verify what you suggest about the early Armenians. I can’t answer that for you since it’s not directly related to my areas of expertise. However, if true, one could speculate their civilization was “seeded” by very ancient cultures that predate recorded history, such as a lost civilization unknown to (or not recognized by) mainstream scientists today.
- I believe astrology is a science. Note–I’m referring to ancient methodologies, not modern, trivial astrology. Read this blog post and this blog post for more information.
Good luck on your project.
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