A solar eclipse occurs February 26, 2017. It’s exact by degree at 6:58 a.m. PST, 08 degrees 12 minutes Pisces.
On balance, eclipses symbolize more challenge than reward, though solar eclipses are typically better than lunar. Generally, lunar eclipses symbolize endings, and solar eclipses beginnings.
How the symbolism relates to you specifically depends on the patterns in your comprehensive astrology charts. For many, this eclipse will be a non-event, but for others the eclipse and the associated patterns can signify big changes.
For everyone, about three weeks before and a few days after an eclipse, judgment tends to be distorted. Some things seem fine when they aren’t, and others are actually better than they seem.
Be careful with consequential investments, important legal contracts, and other high-risk endeavors, including those involving your physical safety.
The bar graph in this blog post includes the February 26, 2017 solar eclipse, along with other basic astrology events.
Read more about eclipses here.
Copyright © 2017 Scott Petullo