“I’m doing a research paper for my intercultural communications course. I would like to represent astrologers as a cross cultural sub culture. One of the subjects I have to touch base with is religion, is there a pro-dominant religion that astrologers belong to or does it coincide with most religions? Also I had this guy calculate how many lives I’ve had and will have, is that a part of astrology as well or is this something different?”
Generally, astrologers tend to be spiritual, non-religious, and don’t subscribe to organized religion, though some do.
You would have to clarify what you mean by “coincide with most religions.” In my view, it’s entirely possible to accept many tenets of organized religion while concurrently accepting the science of astrology.
For example, as an astrologer, I embrace the idea of archangels (particularly Archangel Michael for protection against dark forces), a principle of many faiths. I also recognize the divinity of ascended masters of various sects. Daily meditation and regular protection prayers, which include asking for help from deities from various religions, help to keep me grounded.
The problem is that many leaders and subsequently the followers of various organized religions relentlessly demonize astrology and other esoteric practices. Demons and hell have nothing to do with astrology, despite their claims. Conventional science authorities mock astrology too.
Authentic astrology, going back to ancient times, outlines personal fate and is based on the theories of predestination and reincarnation. In light of this, it may not be compatible with some tenets of certain organized religions, aside from Buddhism and select others that embrace reincarnation and personal fate.
Calculating how many past lives you’ve had and how many future lives you will have isn’t directly linked to astrology, though there is a tenuous tie. It’s a complex issue, but it’s possible to get an idea whether a person has a long way to go, or if they have made significant spiritual progress.
Copyright © 2016 Scott Petullo