
Solar Eclipse September 1 2016

A solar eclipse occurs September 1, 2016. It’s exact by degree at 2:03 a.m. PDT, 09 degrees 21 minutes Virgo.

The symbolism of eclipses isn’t fortunate, but solar eclipses are typically less difficult than lunar eclipses. Note that I wrote symbolism; astrological events don’t make things happen, but do represent events and circumstances.

Generally, lunar eclipses symbolize endings, and solar eclipses beginnings. Though how the symbolism relates to you, including specific circumstances, depends on the patterns in your comprehensive astrology charts involving eclipses. For some, this eclipse will be a non-event, but for others the eclipse and the associated patterns can represent momentous life events.

About three weeks before and a few days after an eclipse, judgment is skewed. Some things appear satisfactory when they aren’t, and other things seem wrong but are actually better than they appear. Temporary panic in the financial markets is common.

Take extra care with new associations, big purchases, making important plans, legal matters and other matters of importance during eclipses.

Again, my findings tell me that astrology represents circumstances, but it doesn’t make things happen or “influence” you.

An eclipse doesn’t make the naturally obnoxious person act out more than usual, for example. It also doesn’t make you misread a legal contract, enter into a bad deal, and lose money. But it does symbolize, in part, those sorts of unfortunate events.

It’s a mystery why judgment is amiss during eclipses, but “confirmation bias” and “self-fulfilling prophecy” have nothing to do with it. I ruled out those two concepts many years ago.

The bulk of my empirical research includes observing individuals’ lives unfold in relation to the patterns in their comprehensive charts and since most aren’t aware of it (and avoid astrology completely), my scrutiny has zero impact on their life happenings. I simply report my findings.

I am not a wizard. I don’t make events in other people’s lives occur, and I don’t make people behave the way they do and make the decisions they make. They live their lives as dictated by their unique personal fate and the patterns symbolize it.

Skeptics cast aspersions on my work, but I consistently predict the overall challenges they encounter in life. Some want to believe they are in complete control of their destiny (e.g., controlling other people’s actions, and other things in life you can’t control), but my work proves otherwise. Thankfully, we do have free will, but within the confines of personal fate.

To embrace the notion of immutable personal fate isn’t any more pessimistic than to believe you can’t escape the consequences of all your actions.

The bar graph in this blog post includes the September 1, 2016 solar eclipse, along with other basic astrological events.

Read more about eclipses here.

Copyright © 2016 Scott Petullo

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