Imagine how much time and money you could save by identifying jerks before it’s too late.
As you likely know by experience, select individuals have a greater, more active “inner-jerk” than most other people. Some people are world-class jerks. Jerks commonly possess one or more of several, identifiable, problematic traits.
“Of the billionaires I have known, money just brings out the basic traits in them. If they were jerks before they had money, they are simply jerks with a billion dollars.” Warren Buffett
I’ve found those words of wisdom to be true: people don’t ever change much. Either a person is reasonable most of the time, or they aren’t, and no amount of politically correct consciousness training by sanctimonious gurus permanently changes that.
The majority of people (at least those I encounter) are considerate, but almost everyone has the potential to be a jerk sometimes.
You could waste months or longer on someone before you discover innate maliciousness. One way to reduce the risk in your personal and professional life is to identify jerks through my unconventional security investigations before it’s too late.
Copyright © 2014 Scott Petullo