The confidentiality and secrecy of your associates and those you allow into your inner circle are vital to your success. How do you know if someone can keep his or her mouth shut?
One option is to rely entirely on your intuition, or gut instinct. However, the more the issue at hand relates to you and, or your livelihood, the more difficult it is to distance yourself from your desires and subconscious biases in the decision-making process.
This article offers advice on when to trust your gut instinct–four tests that help you determine when your intuition can be trusted.
You need an additional method to determine if someone possesses reasonable levels of confidentiality and secrecy as a back-up to your gut instinct, or in the cases where you suspect gut instinct isn’t reliable.
Handwriting analysis is an ideal tool to determine trustworthiness and secrecy because it can’t be manipulated and it’s one of the most non-discriminatory, accurate, and objective forms of character analysis.
Have you ever known someone for a long time and then suddenly you’re shocked to realize the real personality beneath the friendly facade? You were almost certain she didn’t have a problem with dishonesty or domineering behavior, but then again, she’s very clever and you were never around her when she was stressed out. Under pressure, the real personality emerges. Handwriting analysis captures the red flags of the real personality, along with the positive attributes, and saves you the hassle of nasty surprises.
Determine confidentiality and secrecy, and limit your overall risk through my invaluable assessments.
Copyright © 2014 Scott Petullo