Determining fame through astrology is a popular topic of interest within the field of astrology. Many people want to know if they will be famous.
Unfortunately, modern astrology methods alone make it impossible to determine a person’s level of inevitable fame.
This article underscores the importance of learning comprehensive astrology beyond mere modern methods. Once you move beyond the superficiality of modern astrology, you escape the “only possibilities” nonsense and identify “here-it-comes” predetermined life circumstances and events.
I determine the general level of a person’s lifetime fame and recognition through my systems of analysis. I won’t explain my methods to you for two reasons: my methods wouldn’t make sense to you because you don’t know the languages of fate (ancient and modern astrology, and ancient and modern numerology); and my methods are proprietary. But I will tell you that if a person asks about his or her fame prospects I can tell fairly quickly after reviewing the comprehensive charts if he or she is destined for the type of recognition they want, and if so, when it will occur.
It’s actually easier to determine if a person will be infamous and have a bad reputation, and when he or she will be forced to endure shame and, or general dishonor. Considering the person is enjoying prominence now, and the patterns outline negative extremes in the future, the window of time when a fall from grace will happen is readily identifiable.
Those who have a burning desire to be famous often possess recognition as their key motivator. Whether it’s financial rewards (i.e., money motivated–in excess, these are the gold-diggers), personal accomplishments, healthy competition, creativity, or other motivations, I’ve found handwriting analysis to be the most accurate method to determine true motivations.
You can discover what really motivates a person and how they think through my Motivation Assessment Analysis: Acquire piercing insight about actual, genuine personal motivations. This analysis evaluates 13 key drives such as financial rewards, personal accomplishment, approval, social involvement, practical interests, and more.
While worldwide or at least national fame is the most sought after, local and, or regional fame are more common, obviously.
Although it’s possible to determine your expected level of fame (or infamy) through astrology, and significant recognition may be a part of your divine purpose, most people’s divine purpose has little to do with considerable fame.
Copyright © 2014 Scott Petullo