A solar eclipse occurs November 3, 2013. It’s exact by degree at 4:50 a.m. PST, 11 degrees 15 minutes Scorpio.
The astrological symbolism of eclipses is mostly negative, though solar eclipses are less negative than lunar eclipses. In simple terms, lunar eclipses represent endings, and solar eclipses represent beginnings.
During eclipse times, up to two to three weeks prior and a few days after, overall perception tends to be skewed. Be careful with any important purchases, investments, new associations, or legal contracts around the time of eclipses. What seems to be a great idea during an eclipse is much more likely to be proven futile later.
This bar graph includes the November 3, 2013 solar eclipse, and other basic astrological events.
Read more about the symbolism of eclipses here.
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