The Sun enters the sign of Capricorn 12-21-2012 at 3:11 a.m. PST.
At this time the winter solstice occurs in the northern hemisphere, and the summer solstice occurs in the southern hemisphere; you’ll experience the least amount of daylight in the northern hemisphere, and the most in the southern hemisphere.
After entering the sign of Capricorn, the Sun is sextile Saturn (in Scorpio), forming a reception, thus empowering Saturn via the sign of Capricorn.
Additionally, by sign, though a square/hard Ptolemaic aspect with the Moon in the sign of Aries, there is a reception here too: Aries Moon empowers the Sun.
The result is a celestial three-way by virtue of the planetary ruler in both formations being Mars, which incidentally is already in mutual reception with Saturn through rulership and is itself empowered being in the sign of Capricorn. Warrior Mars is super-potent at this time, with Saturn a close second in vitality among the basic heavenly bodies.
While there is no universal, exact same meaning for everyone as with the weather (e.g., extremely hot weather, everyone is hot), if you have a problem with the planet Mars in your natal configurations, the above-mentioned transiting super-Mars could be relatively important to you at this time.
Also, watch for transiting heavenly bodies in your 1st, 4th, 7th and, or 10th natal houses in hard Ptolemaic aspect (especially Mars and Saturn conjunctions and oppositions) with your natal heavenly bodies.
More information about basic astrology considerations here.
Copyright © 2012 Scott Petullo