
Case Study: Workplace Compatibility Nightmare

Business or personal, unique compatibility exists between every couple and you can save enormous amounts of time and money if you are forewarned of the risk potential.

The following business relationship began well enough. A professional received an offer for what appeared to be her dream job, reporting directly to the owner of the company. Everyone had high hopes due to her impressive record of achievement in the industry.

However, as always, true personality emerges while under pressure, and the unique, immutable degree of compatibility is eventually exposed. Over the course of six months this situation went from spectacularly promising to unbearable.

These five core components served as the foundation for the nightmare:

1. A tendency on the part of the employee to accept surface interpretations and a refusal to dig deeply enough to do an adequate analysis (weak analytical skills). She took the job at its face value and didn’t bother to thoroughly weigh the pros and cons.

2. Disproportionate argumentativeness and defiance on the part of the employee, both well veiled until she was under pressure, although her strengths far outweigh her weaknesses, and any industry leader would be happy to employ her.

3. Excessive illusion between the employee and the owner of the company; the propensity for false assumptions and miscommunication is inevitable.

4. This connection is full of strife; disagreements and quarrels are to be expected.

5. This connection is full of challenging and negative energy–there’s really nothing very easy about it. Compatibility, professional or personal, is much less something you make, and almost entirely something two people innately possess between themselves. More on that concept here, how compatibility is measurable:

The employee left the company for another job after ten months. Both the employee and business owner lost a lot of money and time through an ordeal that could have been prevented had the truth been revealed before the hiring decision was made and the job was accepted.

You can’t blame either party for the inherent interpersonal challenges, but you can blame both for not investigating the risk before diving in.

The above-mentioned personality and compatibility problem areas and many others are easily, routinely identified; extremes are easy to spot in handwriting analysis and comprehensive astrology and numerology.

Reduce your risk of wasted time, financial loss, abysmal compatibility, and unreliable people through my invaluable assessments.

Copyright © 2012 Scott Petullo

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