Astronomy, the study of the universe, and astrology, the study of human personality and timing in relation to the universe, were originally the same body of science.
Astrology (not the “horoscopes” of today) as an authentic science didn’t fully mature until the late Middle Ages (late 1400s AD), but practitioners in Classical Greece (5th-4th centuries BC), Hellenistic Greece (approximately 330 BC-145 BC), and Hellenistic Egypt (roughly 330 BC–30 BC) effectively employed it to understand personality, delineate personal fate, and achieve spiritual awareness.
Astrology and astronomy were forced apart during the Age of Reason in the 1600s AD, but the most respected astronomers up to that point, including Johannes Kepler and Galileo Galilei, were also astrologers.
The 2000-year tradition of comprehensive astrology was downgraded to pseudo science by the prevailing science authorities during the Age of Reason as science was rigidly re-defined through “logic.”
While it may be true that matter and physical substance are more suited for a rational approach, it’s unreasonable under the guise of “reason” to disqualify astrology as a science because it involves human personality, compatibility, and the cyclical nature of life and life circumstances.
Astrology cynics during the Age of Reason claimed it wasn’t a science because it didn’t involve logically compiling observable, measurable data. However, they’re wrong. The astrology from that time is a science: through empirical observation, results are consistently obtained from the same sets of circumstances. See this article, “Addressing Astrology Skepticism,” for more information.
It’s conceivable how the vast majority of astronomers don’t want to delve into the symbolism of the patterns of astrology charts related to human character and the timing of life events. They are likely much more comfortable with non-human concerns, such as the consistency of various planets’ surfaces and why differing types of orbits exist. Astrology is more like psychology, not chemistry, for example; the study of astrology and astronomy entail two seemingly differing mentalities.
Yet you have to wonder if astronomers have also relegated unconditional love to the “bogus and non-existent” category because nobody has ever “proved its validity.” Well, my theory is that unconditional love exists, and until I or someone else proves that theory invalid, I will embrace it. Remember, a theory can only be proven invalid; it can’t be proven true.
Incidentally, there aren’t any scientific studies that prove this theory invalid: the complex patterns in authentic astrology represent personality, compatibility, and unique (fated) life events (see the linked article above for more information).
It’s astonishing that most astronomers and other mainstream scientists today dismiss astrology as bunk without any serious evaluation on their part, and they overlook the fact that conventional scientific methods have zero influence on whether or not a body of empirically-based knowledge utilized is legitimate.
Also, evidently unknown to most astronomers, since they always seem to confuse Sun sign astrology or other trivial forms of astrology (e.g., Ptolemaic aspects, such as oppositions or conjunctions) with comprehensive astrology, is the fact that authentic astrology is as complex a science as any other body of science.
See this article, “Libra and Capricorn – Personality Similarities and Differences” (and the articles linked within it) that highlights the differences between superficial forms of astrology and real astrology.
Granted, to achieve expert level understanding of each of the two sciences and to practice both simultaneously would demand an enormous amount of time and discipline, but there isn’t any sensible rationale to dismiss either body of science as drivel.
Astronomy offers vast understanding of the physical universe, and comprehensive astrology is a fantastic way to gain incredible understanding of human personality and cyclical timing, thus reducing your exposure to risk.
Copyright © 2012 Scott Petullo