
Astrology Triviality: the 12 Signs at a Party

My question relates to something I have read about eons ago but cannot seem to find now. Is a scenario based question on the 12 signs and how they would interact with each other at, for instance, a dinner party? Something like that. Sometimes I feel like when I read anything to do with personality typing all fire signs sound the same, as do the water, earth and air. Your reply is very appreciated! Thank you.

The almost universal viewpoint mistaking Sun sign astrology for authentic astrology is due to blatant distortion of the esoteric science for more than a century. 99% of what you find on the Internet regarding astrology is misinformation. Complex ancient methodologies are shoddily modified (rendering them useless) on popular sites in get-rich marketing schemes, and politically correct New Age agendas warp ancient astrological truths. It’s understandable that your exposure to astrology is limited to trivialities.

The fire signs include Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius. Astrologically, fire is masculine, like air. Water and earth are feminine.

However, surely nobody really believes that everyone with fire Sun signs (24.9%+- of the population) has identical, or even noticeably similar, personalities.

Likewise, every person with a Libra Sun sign, for instance, won’t have the same personality strengths and weaknesses.

Being forced to assign a few qualities or just a paragraph to each sign isn’t really fair. Besides, people aren’t merely Sun signs just like they aren’t merely hands or noses; they have hundreds of other factors in their comprehensive charts. Authentic astrology involves pattern recognition involving those hundreds of indicators.

But to appease the demand for a surface approach (and humor), here is my take on each sign in a social setting, highlighting some of the more notorious attributes:

Aries: bull in a china shop; will shamelessly hit on you; doesn’t care what anyone thinks.

Taurus: will gravitate to the buffet and is desperately hoping to satiate her other, more intimate sensual needs later on in the evening.

Gemini: can talk to anyone and juggle many interests at once, including romantic.

Cancer: attends the party wanting to find a serious, long-term relationship; wonders how people enjoy being single; depressed.

Leo: can be the life of the party, won’t turn down a nightcap, and loves to talk, especially about herself.

Virgo: makes sure to dress appropriately and fastidiously, and expertly critiques the attire and behavior of everyone at the party.

Libra: loves to socialize, just don’t bring up anything too controversial or conflict oriented because he will leave the party.

Scorpio: secretive, yet deep and intriguing; expect kinky sex.

Sagittarius: socially driven, yet freedom oriented; don’t try to tie her down.

Capricorn: interested in business connections at the party; not the most socially inclined person; several people consider telling him to lighten up.

Aquarius: unusually open-minded; more socially motivated than average and more likely to accept an invitation to a threesome.

Pisces: heart of gold; escapist; enjoys his alcohol; and readily accepts an invitation to attend a drumming circle tomorrow.

Seriously, do any of the above samples definitively, consistently characterize all people who possess the respective Sun signs? Of course they don’t—not even close.

What they may do, however, is somewhat typify a person with a very significant amount of one specific sign (i.e., several heavenly bodies in one sign, especially potent ones relative to his or her natal charts) in his or her comprehensive charts. But those cases are rare, and many of those people don’t even have natal Sun in the related sign.

Personality analysis based exclusively on Sun signs, or just a handful of considerations, is impossible due to the fact that Sun sign astrology is a very superficial construct.

Please see this article for more information:

Copyright © 2012 Scott Petullo

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