“Under the tropical zodiac I’m a Sagittarius, but under sidereal I’m a Scorpio and everything written is just like me, so I stick to that. Why don’t you like the sidereal zodiac?”
First, your Sun sign says very little about you. You don’t really believe that 8.33% of the population (12 Sun signs, 8.33% each sign) has the same distinct personality characteristics, to the same degree, and that there are only 12 types of people, do you?
Regarding the above question about why I mostly avoid the Sidereal zodiac, to sum up, it’s antiquated and imprecise. Please see this blog post for more information:
The inquiry above implies absolute focus on Sun signs, which is very unfortunate.
The problem with focusing on only one or even a handful of indicators, such as a Sun sign, is low accuracy rates (related to outlining personality, or prediction).
You aren’t one single sign, such as “a Scorpio” or “a Sagittarius” any more than you are a hand or an eye. You are a collection of signs, planets and other heavenly bodies, and your unique configurations include key heavenly bodies that are more potent than others.
Additionally, self-analysis is notoriously skewed. For example, someone might actually believe that they are “very adaptable,” yet in reality they aren’t.
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It’s highly recommended to avoid primary focus on the Sidereal zodiac, along with trivial forms of astrology, such as Sun sign astrology. A seasoned practitioner using a solid system of checks and balances helps you to gain an edge in life and reduce your risk.
Copyright © 2011 Scott Petullo