Although eclipses are only minor astrological indicators compared to the collective bodies of universal, natal, and personal cyclical timing factors, recognizing the associated symbolic energy allows you to witness the cyclical nature of life, and even avoid more of life’s hassles.
12-21-2010, 12:13 a.m. PST the Moon and Sun are exactly opposite each other, at 29 degrees 20 minutes Gemini and 29 degrees 20 minutes Sagittarius, respectively. This is the height of the Full Moon, and lunar eclipse.
Consider these points:
1. This particular lunar eclipse may not represent anything of importance in your life. However, if the eclipse occurs very close to or even exactly on an angle or in a strong house (1st, 4th, 7th, or 10th house cusps and, or in those houses), or if it closely conjuncts your Sun or Moon for example, and your Sun or Moon are potent planets in your natal charts, this eclipse may be the intermittent astrology indicator that representatively helps get the ball rolling with some very key endings in your life.
2. Such endings are collectively symbolized by many, much more important elements, but the eclipse is more of an obvious signpost.
3. Always remember that no astrology factors “make” anything happen (they represent—“As Above, so Below”), nor does any one factor ever fully symbolize a specific circumstance or event in your life. Real astrology is pattern recognition involving 100s of factors.
4. Eclipses occur, on average, about 3.5 times a year; lunar eclipses are always during a Full Moon, and solar eclipses always occur during a New Moon.
5. During an eclipse, including several days leading up to and a few days after, there exists a heightened energetic intensity (especially with lunar eclipses) and even explosive emotions, particularly with those people for whom it is more important.
6. The unexpected is the norm during eclipses, and they commonly mark (along with other astrology and numerology factors) important life transitions.
7. It’s important to pay attention and maintain focus to avoid making errors of judgment, such as with important transactions since this experience is more common during eclipses. Just be sure to double-check any contracts you sign, for example.
The symbolism of comprehensive astrology and numerology mirrors life to an astonishing degree.
Even though minor factors such as eclipses aren’t heavy hitters in the world of astrology, an overall awareness of such happenings allows you to at least somewhat capitalize on positive trends, and reduce your exposure to risk.
More information about basic astrology and infrequent cosmic events, including eclipses, here:
Copyright © 2010 Scott Petullo