“I have a master number 11 name, destiny and soul urge, a number 9 personality and a number 22 maturity in my numerology chart. So I have four master numbers, would you tell me what this means to have so many master numbers in ones chart and also what career would suit me best?”
Master numbers in the science of numerology include double digit numbers such as 11, 22, 33, 44, and so on.
Although there is intrinsic, exceptional promise symbolized by Master numbers if the energy is applied in its balanced form (easier said than done), unfortunately the energy of Master numbers is most often erratic and difficult. It’s very common for those people with a higher number of Master numbers than average to be forced to endure excessive adversity.
The question above lists only 5 basic modern numerology indicators. Unfortunately, if you were to attempt an analysis on those 5 alone, the result would be completely erroneous.
Any single indicator in the comprehensive numerology (ancient and modern) and astrology (ancient and modern) charts means almost nothing by itself. You must weigh it in relation to the patterns comprised of the other 500+ indicators to achieve a decent level of accuracy.
In order to thoroughly, accurately assess personality and the most suitable career, I strongly advise the use of additional methods of analysis, such as handwriting analysis. The more layers of checks and balances you include in your examination, the greater the precision.
The Career Compatibility and Assistance Guide (first offering on this page: is excellent for career guidance, as is the Life Purpose Package (
Article about Master numbers:
Article about the number 11:
Article about common numerology errors:
Copyright © 2010 Scott Petullo