June 26, 2010 at 4:30 a.m. PDT a lunar eclipse occurs at 4 degrees, 46 minutes Capricorn.
Although irregular, intermittent factors such as eclipses, transits, and progressions are only useful in sharpening up an existing, comprehensive assessment based on more reliable methods, you can get some idea of how astrological symbolism mirrors life circumstances by tracking them.
The following pointers about eclipses can help you in your understanding of cyclical timing analysis and predictive analytics, thus allow you to reduce your risk and capitalize on rewarding trends:
- Eclipses occur, on average, about 3.5 times a year.
- Solar and lunar eclipses usually occur within a couple weeks or so of each other (there is a solar eclipse July 11, 2010 12:40 p.m. PDT, 19 degrees, 23 minutes Cancer).
- Lunar eclipses are always during a Full Moon and solar eclipses are always during a New Moon.
- Generally, critical endings relate to lunar eclipses, and momentous beginnings are associated with solar eclipses.
- As with any single indicator/event, it may not represent anything to you at all.
- To assess its symbolic implications, you must weight it in relation to your collective personal natal and timing indicators. To start, notice where the eclipse occurs in your basic natal chart. If it’s in a strong house, for example, such as 1, 4, 7, or 10, it will representatively have more bearing on your life. Another way it could have more significance for you personally is if the eclipse is closely conjunct a potent heavenly body, Arabic Part, house cusp, etc., in your unique charts.
- By and large, the period spanning approximately 10 days before and 3 days after an eclipse includes heightened emotions and overall energy, unanticipated happenings, and a higher likelihood of errors of judgment involving important transactions and decisions. In light of this, exercise extra caution with important dealings during this period to reduce your exposure to risk.
Additional important information about eclipses and other minor astrology factors here: https://scottpetullo.com/2010/01/the-cyclical-nature-of-life-reflected-by-various-minor-astrology-factors/
Copyright © 2010 Scott Petullo