
Calendars, Time, and Numerology

Civilization has always depended on accurate timekeeping systems. Success with the timing of agricultural matters, financial concerns including markets, accounting, and taxes, and seasonal celebrations such as festivals all require an accurate method of counting time. The rhythm of time is defined as ordered recurrence in fixed intervals.

Regular astronomical cycles, such as the daily rising and setting of stars like the Sun and the waxing and waning of the Moon, and their connection to the Earth’s seasons and seasonal events, gave the ancients standards by which to form calendars and time-counting systems.

Calendar Formation isn’t Arbitrary

The obsession with time-keeping and its link to numerological calculations eventually reveals the awareness of an unexplained, ordered, omnipresent intelligence; a sort of cosmic, or “universal time,” and how it’s intimately linked to calendar formation and reform, no matter how random each may seem.

The Real Meaning of Time

Time is far deeper than a simple clock reading; it’s a rhythm that ties everything together and links the human microcosm to the macrocosmic “all that is.” Calendar numerology allows you to recognize its pulse and therefore forecast personal circumstances and events linked to its tempo.

Mathematical Precision of the Modern Calendar

In addition to the prevailing calendar, in our view, being automatically and mysteriously coordinated to everyone’s life through various forms of numerology, there is a surprising amount of mathematical precision involving astronomical cycles relating to the history of the formation of our modern calendar. We feel this lends a great deal of reliability to its successful use as a basis for numerological calculations.

Your Fate is Mysteriously Synchronized with the Modern Calendar

We believe that souls incarnate on Earth with the timing of their fated life circumstances and events (symbolized by comprehensive cyclical timing and delineation methods) synchronized with the predominant calendar of the time, that being currently the modern solar-cycle-based Gregorian calendar with its 365 days and 12 months. Our research tells us that modern and ancient numerological date-based methods produce the most accurate results using the modern, every-day calendar as mentioned above. In most places in the world, if you ask what date it is, you’ll receive an answer reflecting a Gregorian calendar date; it’s a universal calendar (unlike others) and the main synchronization system for most of the Earth’s inhabitants. We’re convinced it’s intimately connected with “what is,” seen through personality and predictive techniques that utilize its configuration.

The modern calendar is the international scientific, commercial, and administrative standard today. It represents the pulse of humanity, and its roots are in ancient Egypt.

Historical Calendar Revisions Represent Closer Alignment with the Progression of Time

Calendar revisions throughout history have represented shifts toward a closer alignment with the progression of time. Multitudes and multitudes of constantly operating short, medium, and long-term time cycles tied to our solar calendar symbolize time, how it operates on a universal level, and its relationship to everyone under the Sun as it transpires on this plane, displayed through personal time cycles. These cycles outline fated personal circumstances and events, including spiritual progression. Being “in the flow” or “at the right place at the right time” are ways of noting harmonization with the advancement of time, both on a universal and personal level. Some claim that the “consciousness” of the Earth’s inhabitants changes due to calendar revisions, but we believe that all changes are simply illustrative of what was fated to happen anyway. They don’t, by themselves, make things happen any more than changing one’s hair color makes one younger.

Ancient Calendar Formation

Ancient astronomers (frequently priests of various faiths) perched on their temple towers, working in conjunction with the land’s king or ruler, would meticulously record astronomical observations, eventually developing systems by which to measure some of the natural cycles of this planet.

Sumerian Calendar

Evidence shows that the Sumerians, around 4000 years ago in Mesopotamia (modern-day Iraq and surrounding area), were possibly the first culture in the Earth’s recorded history to formulate a formal solar calendar, which had 365 days.

Babylonian Calendar

The Babylonians (after approximately 2500 BC) also devised an official calendar but based it on solar and lunar cycles (lunisolar).

Hebrew Calendar

The Hebrew calendar is also lunisolar, and its origins are believed to be linked to the Babylonians.

Chinese Calendar

The most accurate ancient lunar calendar may have been formulated by the Chinese after approximately 500 BC. Although based on lunar cycles, it’s really a lunisolar calendar, like the Babylonian and Hebrew calendars; its starting point varies each year, being roughly synchronized with the solar calendar/tropical year (about 365 days long).

Mayan Calendar

The Mayans appeared to possess the most accurate calendar in recorded history up until around 1000 AD, varying less than 1 minute a year from our modern Gregorian.

Persian Calendar

The Persian calendar in the Middle Ages around 1070 AD, thanks to astronomer Omar Khayyam, surpassed the accuracy of the Mayan model. This is not surprising, considering the Persians’ and Arabs’ superior scientific (especially astrological) contributions in the Middle Ages. After Omar Khayyam’s Persian calendar corrections were officially adopted, this calendar was also more accurate than the Julian calendar, which preceded our current Gregorian calendar. Omar Khayyam calculated the solar year to be 365.24219858156 days long, accurate to the sixth decimal place.

Egyptian Calendar

The ancient Egyptians formed a calendar (twelve thirty-day months plus five days to equal 365 days) before 2400 BC based on the star Sirius (they called this star Sothis). They noticed that this star would appear in the east just before sunrise every year around the time of the Nile’s annual flood. A Sothic cycle is 1460 years and is defined by the heliacal rising of Sirius returning to the exact same point. Respected for its mathematical reliability, this calendar was used by astronomers in the Middle Ages.

The Egyptians’ seasonal year, the time between the consecutive heliacal risings of the star Sirius, is remarkably close to the actual length of the solar year. However, the approximate six hour difference means that over just a couple of centuries, their calendar would have been totally out of synch with the timing of the seasons in relation to the solar year. The Egyptian astronomers quickly identified this problem and apparently tried to compensate by using a second lunar calendar, which tied into the solar cycle. A lunar calendar was also followed for festivals.

Roman Calendar

The Romans, under Julius Cesar, influenced by the astronomer Sisogenes of Alexandria, Egypt, recognized the sophisticated astronomical skills of the Egyptians and adopted the Egyptian star (Sirius) calendar around 50 BC and added one day to the calendar every four years (leap year) to adapt to the solar cycle. They abandoned their lunar calendar, and the Julian calendar, forerunner to our modern Gregorian calendar, was born.

Metonic and Callippic Cycles Linked to Julian Calendar Formation

An aside, a Metonic cycle (invented by the 5th century BC Greek astronomer Meton) is 6940 days, including 235 lunar months, comprising almost exactly 19 solar years. The 19-year cycle is significant as every 19 years the Moon and the Sun are aspected identically, on the same day of the year (the Metonic cycle’s error rate is about 12 hours every 109.5 years: 19 tropical years = 6939.602 days and 235 synodic months = 6939.688 days).

A Callippic cycle (presented in 4th century BC by the Greek astronomer Callippus) is a 76-year cycle equivalent to four Metonic cycles, less one day. It’s a modification of the Metonic cycle. These cycles, widely used by ancient Egyptians and other astronomers before the Alexandrian calendar reform (under Julius Cesar), are important for sequential functions and are superb cyclical timing considerations that can be used to outline fated life circumstances.

Even though the .25/day addition every year resulted in the Julian calendar being only about .00781 days from the true solar cycle, this difference yielded about a ten day error by the 1500s.

Gregorian Calendar

In 1582, the Gregorian calendar reform was adopted under the reign of Pope Gregory XIII to correct the inaccuracies of the Julian calendar. Striving for mathematical exactitude in calculating the length of the tropical year (the cycle of the seasons or solar year, defined as the time interval between vernal equinoxes), the scientists of that era dictated that the new universal calendar first drop 11 days from the old calendar as of October 4th, 1582 (making that day October 15th) and then initiated a leap year system adding a day every four years (except in century years evenly divisible by 400 or 4000). Although not perfect, this improved the solar calendar year to 365.2422 days, an error of about one day every 3300 years.

Why the Modern Calendar Begins in January and the Seven-Day Week

Today’s calendar year begins in January, conceivably because it’s the first full month when the days start growing longer (minutes of daily sunlight increasing in the Northern Hemisphere, which includes most of the world’s land and about 90% of the human population), after the Winter Solstice at the end of December. Additionally, the planet Saturn mutually ruling time and the sign of Capricorn might have something to do with the selection of January as the first month of the calendar year. The seven-day-week division is probably linked to ancient farmers planting by the moon’s phases (seven-day quarters). As to why the day officially starts at 12:00 a.m. and not sunrise, it’s possibly due to the fact that after 12:00 a.m. the Sun departs from its daily nadir (in relation to the Earth) as it begins its ascent to the midheaven, which it reaches at noon.

After the 1600s, the Gregorian calendar was finally used throughout most of Europe and was adopted by what is now the east coast of America in the mid-1700s, before 1776, the recognized birth year of America. Greece and Russia avoided using it until the early 1900s. Japan formally implemented it in 1873, Korea in 1896, and China in 1912.

We feel accuracy in date-based numerology has always been due to a combination of the soundness of empirically-based numerology calculations, a mystifying link to the prevailing calendar of the day, along with the precision of that calendar in relation to cyclical earthly occurrences (like the solar cycle).

Other-dimensional forces beyond human comprehension serve to automatically synchronize one’s birth data (day, month, year, etc. of the calendar system) with one’s timing and personality (each mirrors the other), as symbolized by the numerology aspects that comprise the patterns that are the basis for delineation and prediction.

We conclude that the current universal calendar’s gradual formation was very deliberate and calculated, and its mathematical soundness and link to cosmic time, or universal intelligence, allows for calendar-based numerology, like that found in our Numerology Decoder and Time Cycle Decoder software programs, to precisely outline how every person is uniquely connected to the all-encompassing rhythm known as time.

Copyright © 2007 Scott Petullo, Stephen Petullo

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