
predictive analytics

Stock Market Crash Forecast: 2016—2018 Start of Colossal Catastrophe

We’ve been saying for years that we believe the period of 2016-2018 is the start of an overwhelming financial crisis, possibly much worse than the 2000/2001 stock market collapse, and the 2008/2009 credit crisis. 2016 appears to be the peak of the financial markets and economic escalation, with the giant reverse beginning as early as 2016 and as late as 2018, but more likely as late as 2017.

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Predictive Analytics: Better Than Going with Your Gut Exclusively

One of the oldest forms of predictive analytics involves prediction through comprehensive astrology and numerology, dating back more than 2000 years. These esoteric sciences (empirical, based on observation) aren’t anything to do with today’s modern triviality (e.g., newspaper and on-line horoscopes).

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