
Solar Eclipse October 23 2014

A solar eclipse occurs October 23, 2014. It’s exact by degree at 2:56 p.m. PDT, 00 degrees 24 minutes Scorpio.

The symbolism of eclipses is primarily unfavorable, but solar eclipses are less adverse than lunar eclipses.

In brief, lunar eclipses are emblematic of death, and solar eclipses of rebirth.

As long as approximately three weeks before and several days after an eclipse, perception tends to be more hazy than usual. It’s a phase when some things appear satisfactory when they aren’t, and others are fine but seem substandard. Short-term panic in the financial markets is a common theme.

Be extra careful with major investments or purchases, new contacts, legal contracts, or other weighty issues during eclipses.

The bar graph in this blog post includes the October 23, 2014 solar eclipse, along with other basic astrology events.

You can find more information about eclipses here.

Copyright © 2014 Scott Petullo

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