
Astrology Q & A: Age 30 Dreaded Saturn Return

“Hi, when I was turning 30 I remember going though a very life changing time, everything in my life seemed to shift. I felt that I had turned from a child into an adult. I am now watching many of my daughter’s female friends going through the same upheavals as they approach their 30th birthdays. I recall being told that this is something to do with the planets being in the same place as when you were born and that this process has a specific name. I would love to be able to tell them that this is something normal and why but I can’t remember anymore about it. Any information you can give would be wonderful. Regards, Diana.”

Age 30 seems to be the approximate time when you make the final transition into adulthood.

Saturn Return (to return to your natal Saturn sign–it takes about 29.5 years) occurs around age 29.5 years old. However, review the life circumstances of 10,000+ people and you’ll find some had rough life challenges around age 29.5, yet many didn’t. Also, the ticking of a woman’s biological clock, which seems to begin thundering around age 30, should be factored into how you perceive the life circumstances of your daughter’s female friends.

Saturn has a very bad reputation; it’s known as the planet of hardship and difficult lessons. However, if a person has a very potent, healthy, and well-placed natal Saturn, it can be symbolic of more rewards than challenges.

A mere Saturn Return must be corroborated with many factors to make a significant positive or negative symbolic impact. Otherwise, it’s a non-event.

In comprehensive astrology and numerology, there aren’t specific ages for everyone that relate to universal circumstances. Every person has unique configurations, representing unique personalities and timing.

See this blog post for more information about Saturn and basic astrology factors.

Copyright © 2014 Scott Petullo

One Response

  1. Dear Scott,

    Three days before my 28th birthday, I had a complete hysterectomy. Then, exactly one month after my 56th birthday, I experienced a dreadful fall. I have always thought that Saturn returns may have been the culprit, but having read this your article, I’m not so sure.

    Love and Light,

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