
Revealed: the Connection Between Sex and Astrology

My findings show that astrology symbolizes life circumstances, including particulars about relationships and sex.

However, one stipulation is necessary: Sun sign astrology (i.e., “horoscopes”) and most mainstream astrology, including modern astrology, won’t uncover anything worthwhile. Those forms of astrology are trivial forms of the ancient discipline, “for entertainment only.”

Comprehensive charting using ancient methodologies does reveal an enormous amount of information about sex and your sex life. Real astrology (and numerology) involves pattern recognition using multiple natal and timing charts for any given concern. Severe patterns, either negative or positive, are easiest to identify, representing overall compatibility and much more.

Five things comprehensive astrology and numerology can tell you about sex and relationships:

  1. Sex-drive peak points—when you’ll be more interested in sex than usual.
  2. When you’ll attract suitable partners. Starting with the promise in your unique personality charts, and combine it with that of your unique timing charts, it’s entirely possible to know when you’ll have success and when you won’t. Mediocre collective timing isn’t as easy to work with; it’s the extremes that are, either negative or positive. I can give you windows of time (as brief as six hours) when you would have a very difficult time meeting a new lover to your liking, no matter where you are. On the flip side, I can give you windows of time when you would get lucky, even have an abundance of possible mates, though those aren’t as common as the mediocre and challenging periods.
  3. Which of you has the edge in the relationship, or if it’s just a bad connection through and through for both of you. You’ve likely been in a sexual relationship where the chemistry was simply totally absent, no matter the level of attractiveness of you or the other person. Or, things were terrible for you but better for your partner, or the other way around. It takes two to tango.
  4. Which of you holds a “can’t lose” advantage over the other. This nuance is fairly common among couples, and virtually ensures that the one who has inherent power over the other is protected from financial, legal, or other hassles involving the other person. It also has a tendency to make your lover your de facto servant in many ways. If you are on the negative side of this dynamic, you would be wise to take preventative action, such as securing your finances and otherwise limiting your risk.
  5. Whether or not your relationship is fleeting or more enduring. This has to do with several things such as universal factors and how they relate to each of you, personal timing charts, and accord found through timing and, or personality charts.

A great deal more can be discerned through the comprehensive charts; virtually any important area of life and relationships can be addressed, giving you extremely valuable perspective.

More information about compatibility can be found here.

Copyright © 2012 Scott Petullo

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